NXP Semiconductor

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Apr 29, 2006
Mesa AZ
I haven't played with this stuff for a few years. I updated my DSDPlus Fast Lane the other day, installed a 9 element 930Mhz yagi on the roof, was going to see if I could receive America Airlines at Sky Harbor.
I got side tracked when I found NXP Semiconductor in Chandler, I don't see it listed so here is what I have found so far.

MotoTurbo Cap+ single site
935.2125 DCC 5 - this is the strongest for me, I can copy slot 1 and slot 2 no problem.
935.6375 - weak with errors
935.6625 - weak with errors
936.2125 - weak with errors
937.6375 - license shows this freq as well but no copy at all.

So far 11 talkgroups
I live in East Mesa

Just ordered a preamp to put at the antenna to compensate for coax line loss, running 75 ohm quad shield.
I didn't measure the actual length of the coax but a miss match of 1.5:1 is not a big deal (antenna is a 50ohm load).

I have another 9 element 930Mhz yagi which I plan to phase with the other one.

Tomorrow I'll put the preamp inline with a biasT and put the antenna higher.

My new SDS200 can only receive 935.2125, RTL SDR receives a bit better.

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