Now, that IS funny! Too many people have a hairtrigger reaction that something isn't right and react without knowing the facts. Just as some believe there is no legit reason to follow an emergency vehicle, even if the following is done in an entirely legal fashion (obeying all speed limits, traffic signs & lights, etc.). While I agree that John Q. Public is better off staying at home and watching the news, there are perfectly legal reasons for doing so, several of which I mentioned above. If you have a suspicion that the person has done something wrong (other than doing something you don't personally approve of), then report their actions and your suspicions to the police, and let them investigate.mam1081 said:Had a follow up on the news tonight ---
The towing company illegally towed the vehicle. Turned out, it's a demo car for a equipment installation shop. The guy is planning on taking legal action against the towing company.
Mark S.
Edit: Jeez, I hate 9's website! Two days now, and I still can't find anything about this story!
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