Object Oriented P25 / Moto analog Programming
At the risk of ridicule from the Uniden owners out there, I again repeat my earlier post to assist you setting up the object oriented scanner. I use Arc-500 instead of Win500... There should be a Trunking System Setup page where you add systems. You select either Motorola, P25 Manual, P25 Auto, EDACS, etc. Then you set the parameters for that system. You enter the control channels, and you'll need to note how you reference that particular system. For my PSR-600, Within the ARC-500 program, I needed to enter the Motorola Analog system as one type of Trunking System and P25 Auto as another. For the Motorola system, I have 32 control Frequencies to cover the state. I named that system OKDPS and that name you give it you'll need to reference later. I also had to enter custom re-banding tables and select "Custom t-Tables. In my P25 system I have about ten or so Control Channels to cover the eight counties affected by that "digital" system. On the P25 system, you only need the control channels and the scanner will follow those respective frequencies.
Now... on the Talkgroup page, enter the talkgroup you want as it is listed in RR. Plaws pointed out the differences but the scanner works if you enter the P25 talkgroup as well as the Motorola Talkgroup (Some P25's are four numbers, all Motorola talkgroups are five). In the system column, you select one of the systems you entered before... That's where I call the Motorola System OKDPS and the P25 System OKWIN. So if you enter a talkgroup for your area for the P25 digital system, you reference OKWIN (if you named it that). The very next talkgroup may be five digits and may be OKC Troop A AM-1 but the system the scanner will need to use to decode that one is the OKDPS named Motorola Analog system. So you'd assign that talkgroup to the OKDPS reference... Clear as mud, huh? I hope this helps those with Grecom / Radio Shack and Whistler Object Oriented scanners.