How time flies...
Good grief, has HRO's Sunnyvale store been there that long?
I worked 3 blocks from that store when it opened (almost next to the old Fry's location) and would (too) often walk down to HRO on lunch break.
I generally felt embarrassed to just mosey around the store and not buy anything so I generally at least picked up a magazine or a book (or an antenna, or a coax jumper, or something). Plus two HF radios, a scanner and some VHF/UHF radios before I moved out of the Bay Area. It was a lot more convenient than driving to Burlingame.
Frankly I'm surprised they managed to stay in that location as long as they did, considering the constantly rising commercial rents in the area. They can't be the only victims: drive around any 'high tech' business park in Santa Clara County and count the empty buildings.
Even though I don't live in the vicinity any more, I'll miss those guys.