OmniX Antenna in Attic

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Jul 27, 2020
I would be interested in hearing the level of performance you receive out of the Omni-X compared to other antennas you may have used, especially because you seem to have had a lot of antennas as part of your attic antenna farm from which to draw some pretty experienced comparison conclusions.

I'm considering buying the Omni-X to replace a 25-1300 Mhz Comet Discone Antenna that's in my attic. I know performance would improve if I installed the antenna outside, but that's not an option where I live. The Discone works quite well for me with respect to VHF/UHF, and even with respect to P25 trunked towers, some of which are 5-60 miles away. But, if the Omni-X is as good as some of the reviews make it out to be, I might just switch out the Discone for the Omni-X in exchange for a few more signal indicator bars. Discones are said to lose some efficiency when frequencies get above 500 Mhz., so switching my Discone out for an Omni-X might just improve the P25 side of things enough to make it worth while, even though the Omni-X is kind of pricey.

Well, I ordered an Omni-X and I also ordered all new coax and the ChannelMaster balun. I will try the balun on one of the ST-2's and see how that works out, if it does I will retain an ST-2 in the attic antenna farm. I will let you all know the results!


Dec 14, 2001
Far NW Valley
I just got my tracking number si the antenna should be here late this coming week.

When that arrives I will have everything in place to do the big swap but that is info for another thread...


Dec 14, 2001
Far NW Valley
Here is the balun I use. It is well worth the money.

Well last week I replaced the balun on one of the ST-2's with the Channel Master one and, that combined with the new LMR400 coax has made it into a new powerhouse! It works a ton better than before! I did not compare it with the original RG6QS coax or the old balun paired with the new coax but combined they really improved my reception dramatically!

These baluns are out of stock both at Amazon and Channel Master but I am definitely going to order a couple more for future use!


Jul 27, 2020
With respect to your ST-2s, I assume they're the discontinued Antennacraft Scantenna ST-2 model? I have looked for a clone for those, and haven't been able to find anything similar that also has the positive reviews that are characteristic of the old ST-2s.

I ordered a DPD Productions Omni-X antenna for the attic. I'm waiting for delivery at this time. I believe you said you ordered one as well, and I was wondering if you've had a chance to erect it in your attic, and whether you've had a chance to compare performance of the ST-2 antenna versus the Omni-X antenna.

I have RG213/U coax cable running from my radio room in my finished basement area, up to the attic, about a 70' coax run. But, I notice you've mentioned using RG6 coax, along with the balun your using.

Do you recommend using the RG6 over my using my existing RG213/U (which is new coax), provided I can get the balun? I notice the balun is out of stock, as you mentioned.

I assume using the RG213/U wouldn't need a balun, as impedence is 50 ohms, but not sure if line losses using the RG6 with a balun would be less compared to using the RG213/U (without a balun). Your thoughts?

Well last week I replaced the balun on one of the ST-2's with the Channel Master one and, that combined with the new LMR400 coax has made it into a new powerhouse! It works a ton better than before! I did not compare it with the original RG6QS coax or the old balun paired with the new coax but combined they really improved my reception dramatically!

These baluns are out of stock both at Amazon and Channel Master but I am definitely going to order a couple more for future use!
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Dec 14, 2001
Far NW Valley
I did get the Omni-X installed, please see The Big Swap: New Antennas for the attic. The upshot is that it doesn't seem to work better than the others at this point but that could change when I try swapping positions and locations.

The ST-2 with the new balun and coax is working great. I don't know if the improvement is from the coax, the balun or both. The balun transforms the nominal 300 ohm ST-2 antenna to a 50 or 75 ohm unbalanced coax. The performance differences between otherwise identical 75 and 50 ohm coax in negligible but with the ultra-low-loss stuff I have there now it is noticeable.


Premium Subscriber
Nov 28, 2018
I recently installed a Diamond D130. It improved my reception somewhat but I expected more. I had an old Channel Master antenna with pitchfork like elements like the ST2. I'm sorry I left that with the house I sold. That was the best antenna ever. I'm thinking on purchasing the Omni X. I'm reading a lot and seeing much chatter about it. I don't listen to much over 475Mhz. I had a type of ground plane up on the roof, but replaced it with the D130. I think I can do better. If I could find an antenna 100Mhz-500Mhz, that would cover my needs without putting up two antennas along with diplexers ect....


Apr 11, 2005
Land of 10,000 taxes
You folks who purchased the Omni X, how’s it going with it? Better or worst compared to what you had? Am considering getting one to replace my outdoor discone.


trying to retire...
Premium Subscriber
Mar 15, 2004
Parker Co., TX
👍…mine replaced a 2 meter ground plane cut for VHF Hi mounted in the attic! Noticeable difference. Now it’s 30ft up outside, fed with quad shield RG6 and hears everything I want including a distant tower on an 800mhz system!


Jul 27, 2020
My Omni-X works exceptionally well, VHF, UHF, and 800Mhz. My Omni-X is in the attic, mounted free standing in a Christmas Tree Stand, and fed with RG213 coax. The coax feed length is about 60 feet long from the Omni-X to the scanner. My Omni-X also replaced a Discone, and the improved performance of the Omni-X compared to the Discone was quite noticeably better from the Omni-X.

My Discone was mounted in my attic., and it worked fine, but I noticed a significantly improved signal indicator on the scanner, about two bars or so, after installing the Omni-X. I found that experimentation with respect to the directional orientation of the Omni-X makes a difference with respect to achieving the very best reception. But, that having been said, reception is still really good with respect to almost any orientation.

The Christmas Tree Stand permitted me to easily orient the Omni-X in the direction where signal indicators on the scanner, and monitoring the audio reception from the Omni-X oriented in various directions, allowed me to easily assess the very best reception with respect to directional positioning. The Omni-X, according to the manufacturer's designer, has a directional wave pattern. So, if you can experiment with the direction you have it oriented in before you lock it down, whether in the attic or ouside on a mast, you'll be able to squeeze every last bit of performance out of the Omni-X.

I installed the Omni-X during the Winter months of 2022, and had considered moving it outside on a mast this Spring. But, I found the performance from a position within the attic to be so exceptional, a full 5-bars on the scanner's signal indicator, that I've decided to just leave it in the attic, the advantage being that the Omni-X being in the attic avoids the weather related wear that the Omni-X would otherwise be exposed to were it outside on a mast. But, the quality of materials is such that I would expect the Omni-X would do very well in an outside installation.

If you're considering an attic installation, all installation circumstances are different, especially from an attic. So, if your considering mounting yours in an attic, your mileage may vary compared to the exceptional performance I'm seeing from my attic installation. Good Luck!


You folks who purchased the Omni X, how’s it going with it? Better or worst compared to what you had? Am considering getting one to replace my outdoor discone.


Apr 11, 2005
Land of 10,000 taxes
Thanks for your replies. My discone is outside about 40 feet in the air. The discone is ok but looking for better performance. I have 3 radios connected with a 4 port MCA204MIL which is connected to a minicircuits ZBFS-95N+, with LMR400 coax. Time order a omni x. Thanks again.


Apr 11, 2005
Land of 10,000 taxes
Are you folks pointing the X toward a tower for better results? I have 4 simulcast towers around me and want to get things right the first time. Will be ordering one next month.


trying to retire...
Premium Subscriber
Mar 15, 2004
Parker Co., TX
The Omni X is well, omni! There is a slight bit of rejection off the ends of the X, not broadside! But not a lot...
As I knew mine would be used for VHF, I experimented with it using a NWS weather transmitter as a signal source...


Jul 27, 2020
The Omni-X is omni directional, but the wave pattern is more prominent along a particular axis. The Omni-X wave pattern is kind of like a fat figure eight. With my application in particular, after testing it aimed in all directions, performed best when aimed toward the tower, along the axis of the elements toward the tower's location. I noticed about two to three bars of stronger signal strength on the scanner's signal indicator when aimed toward the P25 digital tower compared to my Discone, and maybe about one and a half bars of additional signal reception if aimed away, broadside, to the digital tower. That's why I recommend that if you can aim it, and sample the Omni-X performance before locking everything down, you'll be better off. The most noticeable performance improvement was on digital systems, whereas the performance of the Onmi-X with respect to analog systems was only slightly better than the Discone. But, my focus was to improve signals on the P25 digital tower North of me, and not necessarily improve analog system reception, which I always considered to be perfectly fine using my Discone.

Are you folks pointing the X toward a tower for better results? I have 4 simulcast towers around me and want to get things right the first time. Will be ordering one next month.


Apr 11, 2005
Land of 10,000 taxes
Couldn't wait until next month so ordered just now. Saw one of the radials from my discone was on the ground while cutting grass yesterday so figured it would be a good time to change it. Only have to take it down once.


Jul 27, 2020
Yeah, I was a little on the fence about making a purchase of the Omni-X at first, as the Omni-X is a little pricey compared to some other options, and DPD Productions is a relatively obscure company. I wasn't at all familiar with them when I started my search for an alternate antenna. I already had a Discone in the Attic before making a purchase of the Omni-X. and performance wasn't bad at all with respect to analog systems situated around me. I also had a couple of relatively close 800 Mhz. P25 towers close to my location, and the Discone worked fine on those close P25 towers. But, I have this one tower that is further away, in the adjacent County, a simulcast system, in a County that has a greater population, and that was the focus of trying to improve the reception off that one more distant tower, while also wanting to maintain the performance I was getting via the Discone off the other local towers. The quality of materials and the construction of the Omni-X were exceptionally good, and my Omni-X has provided surprisingly good performance in my application. I am really pleased with mine as I was able to slightly improve the reception I was getting on the analog systems, along with the close P25 systems, and I was able to dramatically improve the reception I was getting off the stubburn P25 tower that was further away.

I hope you will like your Omni-X too, good luck! Let us know how it does for you in your application.

Couldn't wait until next month so ordered just now. Saw one of the radials from my discone was on the ground while cutting grass yesterday so figured it would be a good time to change it. Only have to take it down once.
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