ever seen this before?
falcon4@raspberrypi:~/op25/op25/gr-op25_repeater/apps $ ./op25.liq
bash: ./op25.liq: /usr/bin/liquidsoap: bad interpreter: No such file or directory
but wait there's more
falcon4@raspberrypi:~/op25/op25/gr-op25_repeater/apps $ ls
5-sdr_hw.rules log_ts.py p25_conventional_example.json sdrhw_removed.sh
audio.py meta.json p25_decoder.py setTrunkFreq.sh
cces.tsv multi_rx.py p25_demodulator_dev.py smartnet_example.json
cfg.json nyseg.tsv p25_demodulator.py sockaudio.py
cfgtrunk.py onondaga.tsv p25_rtl_example.json stderr.2
CMakeLists.txt ontario.tsv p25_rtl_example.sh tdma
corr op25_iqsrc.py __pycache__ terminal.py
op25.liq README tk_p25.py
dmr_rtl_example.json op25-liq.service README-analog tk_smartnet.py
example_keys.json op25_nbfm.py README-configuration tk_trbo.py
example_liquidsoap.liq op25_python README-dmr tompkins.tsv
gr_gnuplot.py op25-rx.service README-metadata trunking.py
helper_funcs.py op25.sh README-op25_stats trunk.tsv
http_server.py op25_stats.sh README-smartnet tx
icemeta.py op25_wavsrc.py rms_agc.py util
iq_example.json p25_airspy_example.json rx.py wav_example.json
Boom goes the dynamite
3rd time today. I have two SD cards that I just keep rotating. If i remember the last time correctly i just kept doing it over and over again until it magically worked. This time around once I get this running i'm going to clone the sd card about 5 times and make a youtube video for the masses. Hell, in the meantime I might livestream it. I think people would find humor in my pain. I keep telling myself I did this less than 2 years ago and its even more painful this time around.
Now that I got my rant out the way I think once I understand the connection between meta.json,op25.liq, and icecast.xml and what purpose they serve it'll make more sense to me. I'm going to approach it tomorrow AM with a less is more ideology. Keep simple passwords make the mountpoint the letter z or something simple. Now I know icecast.xml is the server op25.liq configures it? and meta.json tells rx.py where to look? please correct me if I'm wrong.
Thank you for all your help and patience with me. I've always been a fit a square piece into a round hole kind of kid and no I'm not going to buy a sds100 like everyone else even though I feel like buying one off the mrs. budget for sending me down this road again.
Until tomorrow
PS I am going to livestream it got a new camera coming tomorrow if I'm going to get beat to death im going to have fun in the process