GOOD NEWS, I hope, not hearing an open carrier on Mutual Aid (155.475) here in Scott an Clinton county, hopefully someone discovered the error.
First of all, no one asked for your attitude. If foxhunting doesn't interest you, then you don't need to help. I was merely suggesting that there is a group of people out there (licensed HAMs) who enjoy tracking down hidden transmitters. Of course the HAMs aren't listening to this frequency which is why, perhaps, someone who knows some of the people in the fox-hunt club would need to ask them to get involved. No one is asking you to do anything (quite frankly people with your attitude would be the LAST people I would want helping me, I have enough people like you at my job to last me a lifetime) so drop the attitude and take a deep breath.
If I had the equipment to do radio direction finding I would have been all over this.
I will be headed to IC later today and can take a listen. Might be time to get the local fox-hunting club(s) involved. Isn't this one of the things they train for? Perhaps make the agency who is found to be transmitting buy them lunch or something for the trouble... free meal will get lots of HAMs interested.
Yes, your attitude. You must work in public safety, I've dealt with that know-it-all attitude WAY too much in that industry, I can recognize it from a mile away.
Nice taking my "quote" out of context, too.
Here's my original statement:
Don't know how I could have been any more clear about it, since that is exactly what I said. Clearly you have an axe to grind. Maybe you resented my statement about most hams being interested in a free meal? Perhaps you need to spend a little extra time on the treadmill? Either way, you can take that attitude elsewhere, I have no desire to deal with or interact with people like you.
Does anyone have a VHF beam they can swing around to at least get a bearing on the source? I'm getting it pretty weak still here in DSM. Doing some work with Topo maps, the strongest sources have been Tama and Anamosa. Not enough test points for a proper answer, but might be a clue.
Given the terrain, Tama and Anamosa have a large rise between them, with Cedar rapids being another low spot. And since reception in CR and Waterloo is suprisingly low, I would guess the TX source to be south of Cedar Rapids. With all the work going on in Iowa City, maybe they have a stuck PTT? Maybe need to take a cruise and see what happens. With my luck there is more than one transmitter and it will be a wild goose chase!