ianw said:
Dougie said:
Which kind of transmission do you mean ?
If you are talking about Open Sky then comercial radios are your ONLY choice for now. Plus you would need to get the radio programmed for the system that you wanted to listen to. Good luck in that respect finding somebody willing to do that.
If you are talking about ECPA Cell phones, then unless you work for some type of GOVERMENT AGENCY; forget it & and then you might have to have a wire tapping order (Although I fail to see how it would be WIRE Tapping since a bloominmg cell phone is NOTHING but a fancy two way radio so I FAIL to see how it is considered WIREtapping.) DISCLAIMER:
I am NOT a lawyer NOR do I play one on TV. The above stuff concerning radio cell phones might only apply to the good ole US of A since this is a FEDERAL Law that radio scanners cannot receive cell phones not can you import them unless you work for goverment and can PROVE IT.
Once again, the above is NOT legal advice. It is strictly posted for your reading enjoyment.