I've been scanning Oxnard/Hueneme PD for 11 years now. The info posted here and other sites are somewhat correct. A few years ago they went to a repeater set up. Reason I say they, is both departments share the same primary frequency. So this post is to assist more the new scanner people with the Oxnard/Hueneme channel line up etc.
CH 1 155.7450 Primary Dispatch
*Used by both departments. Oxnard Dispatch is Station 3; Port Hueneme Dispatch is Station 8.
CH 2 155.7850
*Same for both departments but is Oxnard's PD primary info/records. Only used by Port Hueneme when CH1 is committed to an incident (10-33).
Oxnard CH3 155.6550 Oxnard CH 3 Oxnard's talk-around channel (old primary dispatch freq)
Port Hueneme CH3 158.8800 Port Hueneme's CH3 info/records/talk around
4 and 5 are set up the same for both departments:
4 154.9200 CLEMARS
5 156.0150 County wide car-car
Oxnard Units are:
District #: 1-4
Beat #: 1-2 (District 2 has 3 beats all others only have 2 beats, beat 23 is downtown area)
Shift: A, B, C.
Unit # for beat. 1-8 etc.
Example: 42-A (Forty-two Adam) District 4, Beat 2, Shift A, when another unit is same beat shift etc, then add # to however many units are working same shift i.e. 42-A, 42-A-2, 42-A-3 etc.
General Areas for Oxnard:
District 1 North
District 2 West/Central
District 3 East
District 4 South
Oxnard Units:
Units starting with 11, 12, 21, 22, 23, 31, 32, 41, 42 are black and white patrol units.
Adam- Animal Safety (animal control)
Charles- 2 man city rover patrol (need to confirm)
David- Detectives
Edward- Code Enforcement
Frank-Gang Units
John- School Resource officer
King- K9
Lincoln- Watch Commander
Nora- Narcotics
Paul- Community Service Officer- Cadets
Robert- Jail transport
Sam- Field Supervisor
Tom 1-13 Motorcycle Traffic Units
Tom 20-above Cadet Traffic Enforcement Units
Victor- Vice
Zebra Beat Coordinators
**might be off a bit on unit list.
*Just add number at end for however many position in that category.
King-1 - King-6 etc.
Port Hueneme follows same line up but adds 8 before the unit #, Oxnard has King-1, Port Hueneme has King-81, Sam-81, Sam-82.
Also Port Hueneme assigns unit number based on seniority and does not follow a beat plan like Oxnard since the city is so small. Units cover the whole city when on duty
Units are ID by Paul etc. P is for Patrol.
80-Paul is the must senior patrol officer (not including Zebra or Sam Units)
Patrol is 80-94 Paul
Sam 80-84 Supervisor
Zebra 80-84 beat coordinators.
King-81 K-9
On busy days Oxnard has a lot of radio traffic and sometimes its hard for Hueneme to get on the air and uses CH 3 158.8800 heavily to give out heads up info to the units until clear to make the dispatch on CH1. Oxnard is the biggest department in the county and Port Hueneme is the smallest or 2nd to smallest. Oxnard surrounds Port Hueneme on all sides and each agency backs up each other and sometimes handles calls for each other when the other agency is tied up.
CH 1 155.7450 Primary Dispatch
*Used by both departments. Oxnard Dispatch is Station 3; Port Hueneme Dispatch is Station 8.
CH 2 155.7850
*Same for both departments but is Oxnard's PD primary info/records. Only used by Port Hueneme when CH1 is committed to an incident (10-33).
Oxnard CH3 155.6550 Oxnard CH 3 Oxnard's talk-around channel (old primary dispatch freq)
Port Hueneme CH3 158.8800 Port Hueneme's CH3 info/records/talk around
4 and 5 are set up the same for both departments:
4 154.9200 CLEMARS
5 156.0150 County wide car-car
Oxnard Units are:
District #: 1-4
Beat #: 1-2 (District 2 has 3 beats all others only have 2 beats, beat 23 is downtown area)
Shift: A, B, C.
Unit # for beat. 1-8 etc.
Example: 42-A (Forty-two Adam) District 4, Beat 2, Shift A, when another unit is same beat shift etc, then add # to however many units are working same shift i.e. 42-A, 42-A-2, 42-A-3 etc.
General Areas for Oxnard:
District 1 North
District 2 West/Central
District 3 East
District 4 South
Oxnard Units:
Units starting with 11, 12, 21, 22, 23, 31, 32, 41, 42 are black and white patrol units.
Adam- Animal Safety (animal control)
Charles- 2 man city rover patrol (need to confirm)
David- Detectives
Edward- Code Enforcement
Frank-Gang Units
John- School Resource officer
King- K9
Lincoln- Watch Commander
Nora- Narcotics
Paul- Community Service Officer- Cadets
Robert- Jail transport
Sam- Field Supervisor
Tom 1-13 Motorcycle Traffic Units
Tom 20-above Cadet Traffic Enforcement Units
Victor- Vice
Zebra Beat Coordinators
**might be off a bit on unit list.
*Just add number at end for however many position in that category.
King-1 - King-6 etc.
Port Hueneme follows same line up but adds 8 before the unit #, Oxnard has King-1, Port Hueneme has King-81, Sam-81, Sam-82.
Also Port Hueneme assigns unit number based on seniority and does not follow a beat plan like Oxnard since the city is so small. Units cover the whole city when on duty
Units are ID by Paul etc. P is for Patrol.
80-Paul is the must senior patrol officer (not including Zebra or Sam Units)
Patrol is 80-94 Paul
Sam 80-84 Supervisor
Zebra 80-84 beat coordinators.
King-81 K-9
On busy days Oxnard has a lot of radio traffic and sometimes its hard for Hueneme to get on the air and uses CH 3 158.8800 heavily to give out heads up info to the units until clear to make the dispatch on CH1. Oxnard is the biggest department in the county and Port Hueneme is the smallest or 2nd to smallest. Oxnard surrounds Port Hueneme on all sides and each agency backs up each other and sometimes handles calls for each other when the other agency is tied up.