I've got an ancient 796D - got it when they first came out.
I'm monitoring a P25 Conventional system. When the scanner hits on a frequency it will either buzz for a couple of milliseconds or sound like some form of telemetry. Only rarely will audible voice be heard. I'm monitoring the same frequencies on an SDS 100 and the appropriate audio is heard, so I know encryption or telemetry isn't the issue.
Are there any adjustments to be made to clean up the audio?
I'm monitoring a P25 Conventional system. When the scanner hits on a frequency it will either buzz for a couple of milliseconds or sound like some form of telemetry. Only rarely will audible voice be heard. I'm monitoring the same frequencies on an SDS 100 and the appropriate audio is heard, so I know encryption or telemetry isn't the issue.
Are there any adjustments to be made to clean up the audio?