P25 control channel on 150.995

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5B2_BEE00 Czar
Jul 12, 2008
Cobb County, GA Stadium Crime Zone
ALL Law Enforcment to be encrypted as they don't want to be streamed

I can confirm this is the new Barrow county system. Spoke with my public safety contact yesterday who confirmed that new radios were distributed last week.

Law enforcement TG's are full time encrypted, as the chief does NOT want scanner streaming of his agency *yes, my contact actually said this was THE primary reason, thanks Broadcastify for ruining it for all of us AGAIN* but fire and EMS, and public works are not. Encryption type is ADP.

Supposedly fire tone outs will still be simulcasted on the old analog frequency for fire pagers.

He did not know who the system is licensed under. He did say Mobile Comm of Ga was the vendor who is on contract.

So, there you have it. Another agency goes under wraps as they don't want their radio traffic streamed over the internet.

FYI: many dual band VHF/700/800 APX radios are in use on the new system, which eventually will have ISSI roaming to the OARS system by this fall.


Jun 13, 2012
The land of broken calculators.
Im in clayton & they will be on P25 probably before the end of 2013. Its in the works now. Analog scanners will only be good for stateband monitoring, ham radio monitoring, railroads, wal-mart, taxi cabs, retail stores, and for SHTF situations. When i bought my PSR-310 i was thinking it wouldnt need upgrading for a few years but i was wrong...again!

That's why I don't buy scanners anymore.

Even if a digital scanner would get me in on the action, right after I get one, they'd go switch to something else. Laser, Infrared, satellite, Ipads on the AT&T network... there's no telling what the next "must have" radio system will be.

The technology and not being able to monitor it isn't even what I find the most disappointing. What I find the most disappointing is that I'm told this system came to a cost of $72 per every last man, woman and child in the county which is absolutely ludicrous. One could at least hope they'd get it to last as long as their last system but with spectrum on the auction block, I wouldn't count on that being an option. Plus it's a motorola system so that $72 is only the beginning.

By the way, buttabean... analog scanners are going quiet on the ham bands now too as more and more people like myself and the above poster start using digital repeaters more often. And railroads are going NXDN. The yards are going digital immediately but road ops later down the road (no pun intended). But hey, we've still got the marine band, right? If you're near a lake like I am you can intercept channel 16. Watch that go digital now.


Jan 5, 2012
That's why I don't buy scanners anymore.

Even if a digital scanner would get me in on the action, right after I get one, they'd go switch to something else. Laser, Infrared, satellite, Ipads on the AT&T network... there's no telling what the next "must have" radio system will be.

The technology and not being able to monitor it isn't even what I find the most disappointing. What I find the most disappointing is that I'm told this system came to a cost of $72 per every last man, woman and child in the county which is absolutely ludicrous. One could at least hope they'd get it to last as long as their last system but with spectrum on the auction block, I wouldn't count on that being an option. Plus it's a motorola system so that $72 is only the beginning.

By the way, buttabean... analog scanners are going quiet on the ham bands now too as more and more people like myself and the above poster start using digital repeaters more often. And railroads are going NXDN. The yards are going digital immediately but road ops later down the road (no pun intended). But hey, we've still got the marine band, right? If you're near a lake like I am you can intercept channel 16. Watch that go digital now.
Yeah, ive started to notice it on both the W7QO Repeaters in atlanta. They are mixed (Analog & Digital) repeaters & whenever any digital comms are being used u cant/wont hear anyone thats talkin on a analog radio. The world of Radio Waves are changing drastically & quickly and im not gonna be able to keep up so...its been a real learning experience for sure. Digital infrastructures havent worked out well for some public safety sytems & they've had to return to conventional radios but for most of them, its been the best switch they made. Even walmart has gone over to some digital radios but they dont talk about much interesting stuff anyways.

>By the way, buttabean... analog scanners are going quiet on the ham bands now too as more and more people like myself and the above poster start using digital repeaters more often. And railroads are going NXDN. The yards are going digital immediately but road ops later down the road (no pun intended). But hey, we've still got the marine band, right? If you're near a lake like I am you can intercept channel 16. Watch that go digital now.<


Jun 13, 2012
The land of broken calculators.
Yeah, ive started to notice it on both the W7QO Repeaters in atlanta. They are mixed (Analog & Digital) repeaters & whenever any digital comms are being used u cant/wont hear anyone thats talkin on a analog radio. The world of Radio Waves are changing drastically & quickly and im not gonna be able to keep up so...its been a real learning experience for sure. Digital infrastructures havent worked out well for some public safety sytems & they've had to return to conventional radios but for most of them, its been the best switch they made. Even walmart has gone over to some digital radios but they dont talk about much interesting stuff anyways.

The good news is that digital on the ham band will never, ever be encrypted.
And while I'm sure DMR and NXDN scanners will be available some day, you don't need anything all that special to monitor them now. There's some software and a scanner mod that's been talked about on here which can enable you to monitor if it isn't encrypted.


Jan 5, 2012
New Tech On His Way

The good news is that digital on the ham band will never, ever be encrypted.
And while I'm sure DMR and NXDN scanners will be available some day, you don't need anything all that special to monitor them now. There's some software and a scanner mod that's been talked about on here which can enable you to monitor if it isn't encrypted.

Im studying for the tech test now, done passed it 9 or 10 times online but gotta go to pchtree city & take it on paper & then get a decent dual band mobile ham radio to talk on & sling the LCR HT's that are taking everybodies money & pouring it down the drain. Ask N4XTS, better known as MTS2000des on here & he'll tell u about them LittleChineseRadios that are floating around. The erik & todd show on the MATPARC repeater has discussed it many times. And even i have fell for the LCR purchase only cuz of lack of funds. But i intend on hopefully buying a dual band kenwood later to talk on. I'll be glad when i can stop listening to them talk & join in to ask questions on where im lost at. My new motto is Talk once & listen twice & u will learn more. Yall will have to come off the DeeGeeTal side of the repeater and talk to me sometimes cuz its gonna be lonely on W7QO listening to what sounds like a fully automatic AR-15 shooting off when the Digital radios are talkin. Hope to connect soon on the air!


Jun 13, 2012
The land of broken calculators.
Well if you're a regular listener on the todd & erik show, you'll know that every once in a while a "steal of the century" can be found on a digi-tale radio. You just gotta keep those eyes and ears open and more and more of them are starting to end up on the second hand market. Some just need to be upgraded.

It's not what gear you've got, it's what you do with it that counts. There's plenty of people out there that have an impressive collection of expensive ham gear and LMR gear and they like to take pictures of it all and put it on their QRZ page but never get on their air or use the equipment in a meaningful way.

Good luck on getting your ticket.

By the way, for anyone who's interested, Barrow fire and ems is back on 154.16, simulcasting I suppose. The audio is very low. I'll take it over silence though. I did hear the dispatcher make a comment about not being able to understand one of the units. It's still one way.
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Jan 5, 2012
Well if you're a regular listener on the todd & erik show, you'll know that every once in a while a "steal of the century" can be found on a digi-tale radio. You just gotta keep those eyes and ears open and more and more of them are starting to end up on the second hand market. Some just need to be upgraded.

It's not what gear you've got, it's what you do with it that counts. There's plenty of people out there that have an impressive collection of expensive ham gear and LMR gear and they like to take pictures of it all and put it on their QRZ page but never get on their air or use the equipment in a meaningful way.

Good luck on getting your ticket.

By the way, for anyone who's interested, Barrow fire and ems is back on 154.16, simulcasting I suppose. The audio is very low. I'll take it over silence though. I did hear the dispatcher make a comment about not being able to understand one of the units. It's still one way.

Not being able to understand one of the units? Lol, is this the P25 Digital System thats already glitchin? I gotta figure out how to start a thread on here, i wanna find out how to go about purchasing one of the Clayton County Police radios when they make the switch to P25 and their IT Dept wont respond to a email so im not sure if im going about it wrong or just askin too early or if im stupid for even askin about it at all. Very new at this kinda thing & im not employed where i would be in position to get my hands on a public safety radio at a cheap price but im eager to learn with the right "Elmer" showing me the error of my ways. Wrong thread for this im sure.


Premium Subscriber
Jun 11, 2005
It's a MOTO Astro system, they got a deal on it :roll: They keep using the excuse they needed to buy a 4 million $ system because of narrow banding ?

Some slick snake oil salesmen at Moto....


Dec 19, 2002
Fortunately, GA
nunyax, the 106 won't decode the signal, the 197 tried and failed. My 396XT, however, does decode the signal. Lots of lawenforcement tg activity, and no fd while I listened. Had the scanner in ID search mode to no avail. Haven't tried the 800 yet.


Premium Subscriber
May 3, 2009
The streaming of live scanner traffic over the internet is a major selling point for encryption right now and many sales people are using this during demonstrations to agency heads.

While it always been very uncommon for the average criminal to obtain and program scanners....its very easy to stream live radio over a cell phone.

In my opinion, sites like RR who are big online broadcasters of police scanners are ending up killing themselves and the hobby by pissing off every LE agency into going encrypted. They do notice this site and are spending the bucks to black us all out.


5B2_BEE00 Czar
Jul 12, 2008
Cobb County, GA Stadium Crime Zone
They finally got legit

After bootlegging, it looks like Barrow county FINALLY got a valid FCC license.
Nevermind that this new system was OTA without an STA or valid license for 2 months prior, just today this showed up on the ULS:

ULS License - Public Safety Pool, Trunked License - WQQJ709 - BARROW COUNTY E911 CENTER

Must be nice to not have to follow FCC rules and regulations...except when you want to
Notice the application didn't get received until Monday and was issued today.


Premium Subscriber
Jun 11, 2005
The streaming of live scanner traffic over the internet is a major selling point for encryption right now and many sales people are using this during demonstrations to agency heads.

While it always been very uncommon for the average criminal to obtain and program scanners....its very easy to stream live radio over a cell phone.

In my opinion, sites like RR who are big online broadcasters of police scanners are ending up killing themselves and the hobby by pissing off every LE agency into going encrypted. They do notice this site and are spending the bucks to black us all out.

Been involved in "upgrades" in 3 counties. Never once did live streaming of scanner traffic come up...all major vendors involved. Go fish


Jun 13, 2012
The land of broken calculators.
Congratulations to Barrow County on getting your ticket!!!

Maybe one day you can fix your sucky new radio system so first responders don't have to repeat themselves a hundred times.
And maybe you can get with APCO about coordinating frequencies that don't inferfere with clayton county.


Mar 17, 2009
Spalding County, GA
Barrow County's New VHF P25 System

And maybe you can get with APCO about coordinating frequencies that don't inferfere with clayton county.[/QUOTE said:
The license with Call Sign WQQJ709 also contains the frequencies used by the City of Woodstock PD (156.2400 MHz) and Douglas County Sheriff's Office (156.1650 MHz), so I wonder if these guys are hearing the P25 signals from Barrow County too?


Dec 19, 2002
Fortunately, GA
TGID 25, EMS dispatch. Lots of traffic this afternoon. 396XT in ID search mode. 100 is encrypted. Lots of traffic there too.


Jun 13, 2012
The land of broken calculators.
The license with Call Sign WQQJ709 also contains the frequencies used by the City of Woodstock PD (156.2400 MHz) and Douglas County Sheriff's Office (156.1650 MHz), so I wonder if these guys are hearing the P25 signals from Barrow County too?

Sharing a frequency with digital is bad enough but that 150.995 frequency that ClayCo uses is where the control channel is and that transmits continuous loud noise 24/7.

If they were going to just pull a frequency out of their rear ends, they could have picked virgin, never before used, 2.5khz splinters. Maybe the idea was to cause interference to the last remaining analog users so they will migrate to digital too.
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