5B2_BEE00 Czar
The license with Call Sign WQQJ709 also contains the frequencies used by the City of Woodstock PD (156.2400 MHz) and Douglas County Sheriff's Office (156.1650 MHz), so I wonder if these guys are hearing the P25 signals from Barrow County too?
The license application shows coordination applied for back in October of last year by AHTSO.
Odd how no one bothered to submit their FCC license application until this past Monday, yet they put the system on the air two months ago. That's like buying a car, and driving it without insurance or a valid tag.
I did notice their re-using of Woodstock PD's repeater output and DCSO, this is kind of cutting it pretty close for VHF, considering both base repeater outputs are licensed for 100 watts.
I use 25 watts on VHF anyday of the week to hit repeaters on 2m farther away than this.
Maybe rapidcharger is onto something. Pollute the VHF band to sell more radios. Not the first time this happened, anyone remember when Nextel jammed the heck out of 800 and Motorola got to sell a ton of new radios as a result of the Nextel interference?