Thanks, just wondered as I read somewhere that you can not. Thanks as I thought you could.
On the older "bank" scanners, there were problems for some of the models if you tried to program a trunked system in the same bank with conventional frequencies. There were ways to do that on some models, but it had to be done correctly.
On the
OOS scanners, such as yours, it's not an issue, since the scanlist can handle any valid object (analog or digital Conventional objects, or talkgroup ID's linked to a trundled system).
What you may have been thinking of is the Uniden scanners using the DMA system. Those scanners have quick keys, but not banks like the older scanners. When programming a system, you either made it a conventional system, with a mix of frequencies, or created a trunked system for the modes the scanner can handle. In those
systems, you cannot mix conventional frequencies in a trunked system. Nor can a conventional system also include talkgroup id's.