@btt updating to 0314 both locked up at resetting device. LEDs blinking fast on devices. Status scroll bar never started moving. Shut down BTConfig and restarted and it continued. tsbk_ps always shows 0 but RF Sig shows green. Wrote config twice now get blocks in the 45-55 range
On the roaming system I'm getting Grants on the console screen but with P2 systems nothing shows on the TG log screen. The P1 system populates the TG log and the console log displays normal.
Getting this on P2 console screen no TG Name and nothing in the TG Log.
rssi: -87 tsbk_ps 0 sa 1 ue 1 wacn_id 0xbee00 sys_id 0x997 nac 0x549 rf_id 1 site_id 1 freq 774.906250 rfg 38 agc -29.3 $
SYS_INFO wacn 0xbee00 sys_id 0x997 nac 0x991 $
$TDMA VOICE GRANT_02, freq 772.581250, tgroup: 11006, slot: 0
$TDMA_PTT talk group 11006, non-encrypted
$TDMA_PTT talk group 11006, non-encrypted
P25_PII: SRC_RID: 7889101 GRP 11006 $
P25_PII: SRC_RID: 7889101 GRP 11006 $
P25_PII: SRC_RID: 7889101 GRP 11006 $
P25_PII: SRC_RID: 7889101 GRP 11006 $
P25_PII: SRC_RID: 7889101 GRP 11006 $
P25_PII: SRC_RID: 7889101 GRP 11006 $
P25_PII: SRC_RID: 7889101 GRP 11006 $
P25_PII: SRC_RID: 7889101 GRP 11006 $
On the non roaming system i get a more normal scroll. and the TG log being populated. This is the same P25p2 system just only 1system and 3 talkgroups.
ssi: -68 tsbk_ps 52 sa 1 ue 1 wacn_id 0xbee00 sys_id 0x997 nac 0x991 rf_id 1 site_id 1 freq 774.906250 rfg 38 agc -25.9 $
SYS_INFO wacn 0xbee00 sys_id 0x997 nac 0x991 $
$TDMA VOICE GRANT_00, freq 773.431250, tgroup: 12050, slot: 0
SYS_INFO wacn 0xbee00 sys_id 0x997 nac 0x991 $
grant (0x00) packet_idx 1, tgroup 12050 freq 773.4312 nac 2449 rf_channel 1828 follow: 0
desc: PB BSO East location:
control is switching to monitor grant for talkgroup on freq 773.431250
TDMA Phase II sync, freq: 773.431250, rssi: -67 dBm, TGroup: 12050, Desc: PB BSO East, erate: 0.000 $
TDMA Phase II sync, freq: 773.431250, rssi: -70 dBm, TGroup: 12050, Desc: PB BSO East, erate: 0.000 $
$TDMA_PTT talk group 12050, non-encrypted
$TDMA_PTT talk group 12050, non-encrypted
P25_PII: SRC_RID: 7812558 GRP 12050 $
TDMA Phase II sync, freq: 773.431250, rssi: -72 dBm, TGroup: 12050, Desc: PB BSO East, erate: 0.000 $
P25_PII: SRC_RID: 7812558 GRP 12050 $
TDMA Phase II sync, freq: 773.431250, rssi: -75 dBm, TGroup: 12050, Desc: PB BSO East, erate: 0.000 $
P25_PII: SRC_RID: 7812558 GRP 12050 $
Audio seems super clear!!! I may have had a dropout burp still.. need to listen longer...
Both running sounds sensational.
Single P25p2 system 3 talkgroups.
Pompano Beach Fire/Rescue, Broward County Sheriff Dispatch (East/West) Live Audio Feed (broadcastify.com)
4 systems roaming, 2@P25p2. 2@P25p1
Broward County Fire-Rescue Live Audio Feed (broadcastify.com)