P25RX Firmware Updates / Testing

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Jew lover
Mar 11, 2020
Wa State
Version 12-09_1316 has been running fine on Win 10 for a couple of hours now. I'm going to leave the latest changes in. The next update will be a very large change. I'm sure there will be a few things to fix after that. We can just go from there. I leave 11-16_2326 up for now.


Premium Subscriber
Dec 19, 2002
Cypress, TX
Version 12-09_1316 has been running fine on Win 10 for a couple of hours now. I'm going to leave the latest changes in. The next update will be a very large change. I'm sure there will be a few things to fix after that. We can just go from there. I'll leave 11-16_2326 up for now.
Thanks. Will wait on the next revision.


Feed Provider
Dec 29, 2007
Hi, Sorry... ;-(
Besides the new strange console formatted messages, I think with my uncalibrated ear that the audio is a very slight bit more choppy with this release than the versions I was running previously 702 was one of them. every now and then there are short burps in the conversations.
You can hear it here:
@btt listening to the above feed. The patch I think worked perfectly as they patched two channels earlier. But I am sure now I am getting short dropouts with this version. I listened comparing to the sds. The previous rev I was running I don’t remember it had the dropouts Thanks as usual.


Jul 1, 2020
Ferndale, MI
I get great audio from a small BOSE speaker except I can't figure out how to shut Bluetooth off on the P25RX. Apparently the BOSE goes into sleep mode when you press the power button and then auto shutoff after 30min. So it seems I'm stuck with audio unless I turn off the radio LOL


Jew lover
Mar 11, 2020
Wa State
I get great audio from a small BOSE speaker except I can't figure out how to shut Bluetooth off on the P25RX. Apparently the BOSE goes into sleep mode when you press the power button and then auto shutoff after 30min. So it seems I'm stuck with audio unless I turn off the radio LOL
You can kill Bluetooth on the P25RX by unchecking "enable Bluetooth" on the P25RX Configuration page and writing the configuration. Or you can temporarily disable it with the following console commands:
$ bt 4
$ bluetooth 0


Jew lover
Mar 11, 2020
Wa State
There is a huge firmware update available for the P25RX. Version 2021-12-13_2020. P25 P2 / DMR has not been tested yet.


Jun 18, 2003
Puget Sound WA.
Running now. Audio is good as usual. Been running ten minutes. When updating firmware I had to restart receiver and program.
Shut down is doing the same thing as the rxll was where it would stop the program but not close. I have to end it in task manager (Windows 10). You were able to fix the other version so I'm not concerned.
I will continue to test when time is available. I leave them running 24/7.
I can't thank you enough for your hard work. If there's any testing you need done let me know. It's a busy week but I will devote any time I have.
Audio is great as I post this!
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Jew lover
Mar 11, 2020
Wa State
Thank you for testing! The hang-up when closing the application issue should be fixed in 12-13_2126 (that was the only change from 2020 to 2126).


Oct 5, 2010
north of the 45, NH
Updated to 12-13_2126
Update immediately failed during initial "resetting device"
Close software; unplug device; re-plug with 10 second button hold and install proceeded correctly.

On initial startup, DMR screen was so jittery I almost could not enter frequencies. Once frequencies written, this stopped.

I will test this AM on several DMR systems.
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Oct 5, 2010
north of the 45, NH
You've got something weird going on with DMR (Con+). System being monitored has 1 CC (938.3875) and 2 VC (936.7500 and 939.4625). Note, no 915.000 programmed (LCN4 on DRM tab is completely empty). Yet this happens (replicated after re-write freqs x2). This does not happen on RX-II. [Bolding mine; Full log excerpt in pastbin]

Edited to add: possible the site has activated a previously unused frequency. I'm adding that now to see what happens--but still weird behavior on RX-II different than RX-I.

DMR, sys_id 0x0001 freq: 938.387500, sig 1 rssi: -115 dBm $
DMR 2021-12-14-05:43:35 DATA_SYNC: tsbk_ps 33, sys_id 0x0001 freq: 938.387500, sig 1 rssi: -115 dBm $
Con+ Voice Grant: LCN=3, slot 2 , radio_id 10903, group_id 362 lb 1 pf 0 burst_type 3
DMR: TGroup: 362 sys_id 0x0001 (unknown tgroup) 362 (unknown loc) 362 $
DMR freq: 939.462500, rssi: -114 dBm, TGroup: 362, Desc: (unknown tgroup) $
Con+ Voice Grant: LCN=3, slot 2 , radio_id 10903, group_id 362 lb 1 pf 0 burst_type 3
set freq: voice grant freq: 939.462500
DMR, sys_id 0x0001 freq: 939.462500, sig 1 rssi: -117 dBm $
DMR 2021-12-14-05:43:38 DATA_SYNC: tsbk_ps 4, sys_id 0x0001 freq: 939.462500, sig 1 rssi: -117 dBm $
DMR, sys_id 0x0001 freq: 939.462500, sig 1 rssi: -117 dBm $
DMR 2021-12-14-05:43:39 DATA_SYNC: tsbk_ps 30, sys_id 0x0001 freq: 939.462500, sig 1 rssi: -116 dBm $
DMR, sys_id 0x0001 freq: 939.462500, sig 1 rssi: -116 dBm $
DMR 2021-12-14-05:43:39 DATA_SYNC: tsbk_ps 31, sys_id 0x0001 freq: 939.462500, sig 1 rssi: -115 dBm $
DMR 2021-12-14-05:43:40 DATA_SYNC: tsbk_ps 31, sys_id 0x0001 freq: 939.462500, sig 1 rssi: -116 dBm $
DMR, sys_id 0x0001 freq: 939.462500, sig 1 rssi: -116 dBm $
DMR 2021-12-14-05:43:40 DATA_SYNC: tsbk_ps 32, sys_id 0x0001 freq: 939.462500, sig 1 rssi: -117 dBm $
set freq: return cc
DMR, sys_id 0x0001 freq: 938.387500, sig 1 rssi: -123 dBm $
DMR 2021-12-14-05:43:41 DATA_SYNC: tsbk_ps 20, sys_id 0x0001 freq: 938.387500, sig 1 rssi: -117 dBm $
DMR 2021-12-14-05:43:42 DATA_SYNC: tsbk_ps 20, sys_id 0x0001 freq: 938.387500, sig 1 rssi: -113 dBm $
Con+ Voice Grant: LCN=4, slot 1 , radio_id 10915, group_id 362 lb 1 pf 0 burst_type 3 freq: 915.000000
DMR, sys_id 0x0001 freq: 915.000000, sig 1 rssi: -113 dBm $
rssi: -113 sa 1 ue 1 freq 938.387500 rfg 38 agc -72.4 $
DMR 2021-12-14-05:43:42 DATA_SYNC: tsbk_ps 35, sys_id 0x0001 freq: 915.000000, sig 1 rssi: -113 dBm $

DMR 2021-12-14-05:43:43 DATA_SYNC: tsbk_ps 35, sys_id 0x0001 freq: 915.000000, sig 1 rssi: -115 dBm $
DMR, sys_id 0x0001 freq: 915.000000, sig 1 rssi: -115 dBm $


Jew lover
Mar 11, 2020
Wa State
@Vermonster, thanks for testing. I don't know why the DMR entry screen would be "jittery". Did you have the window completely maximized when this happened? Your post reminded me that I forgot to port over the DMR backup/restore functions. That is now done in version 12-14_0314. I'm sure there are others that will appreciate that too! I was able to do a little DMR testing and found that the default of Rx Model 3 did not do well for DMR. The new RX Model default is 0. The reason you are seeing a frequency of 915 is because there is an invalid frequency due to the empty field for LCN4 (915 MHz is used when the frequency is invalid). Maybe they added a new frequency to the system for LCN4? Some unused options were also removed from the advanced tab.


Oct 5, 2010
north of the 45, NH
Jittery screen was both maximized and resized. I will try to replicate.
Confirmed, 915 appears if CC specifies voice call on LCN that is blank; indeed system fired up new VC frequency.

I need to do more testing, as something is still not correct. I appreciate the backup/restore. That will let me test identical setups across RX-I/II without risk of fat finger errors.

Agree RX model 0 is better for me; on both RX-I and RX-II.


Oct 5, 2010
north of the 45, NH
Quirk that does not seem to impact performance.
Despite multiple writes with different frequencies, the upper right display on multiple tabs shows a prior frequency



Feed Provider
Dec 29, 2007
@btt updating to 0314 both locked up at resetting device. LEDs blinking fast on devices. Status scroll bar never started moving. Shut down BTConfig and restarted and it continued. tsbk_ps always shows 0 but RF Sig shows green. Wrote config twice now get blocks in the 45-55 range

On the roaming system I'm getting Grants on the console screen but with P2 systems nothing shows on the TG log screen. The P1 system populates the TG log and the console log displays normal.

Getting this on P2 console screen no TG Name and nothing in the TG Log.

rssi: -87 tsbk_ps 0 sa 1 ue 1 wacn_id 0xbee00 sys_id 0x997 nac 0x549 rf_id 1 site_id 1 freq 774.906250 rfg 38 agc -29.3 $
SYS_INFO wacn 0xbee00 sys_id 0x997 nac 0x991 $
$TDMA VOICE GRANT_02, freq 772.581250, tgroup: 11006, slot: 0
$TDMA_PTT talk group 11006, non-encrypted
$TDMA_PTT talk group 11006, non-encrypted
P25_PII: SRC_RID: 7889101 GRP 11006 $
P25_PII: SRC_RID: 7889101 GRP 11006 $
P25_PII: SRC_RID: 7889101 GRP 11006 $
P25_PII: SRC_RID: 7889101 GRP 11006 $
P25_PII: SRC_RID: 7889101 GRP 11006 $
P25_PII: SRC_RID: 7889101 GRP 11006 $
P25_PII: SRC_RID: 7889101 GRP 11006 $
P25_PII: SRC_RID: 7889101 GRP 11006 $

On the non roaming system i get a more normal scroll. and the TG log being populated. This is the same P25p2 system just only 1system and 3 talkgroups.

ssi: -68 tsbk_ps 52 sa 1 ue 1 wacn_id 0xbee00 sys_id 0x997 nac 0x991 rf_id 1 site_id 1 freq 774.906250 rfg 38 agc -25.9 $
SYS_INFO wacn 0xbee00 sys_id 0x997 nac 0x991 $
$TDMA VOICE GRANT_00, freq 773.431250, tgroup: 12050, slot: 0
SYS_INFO wacn 0xbee00 sys_id 0x997 nac 0x991 $

grant (0x00) packet_idx 1, tgroup 12050 freq 773.4312 nac 2449 rf_channel 1828 follow: 0
desc: PB BSO East location:
control is switching to monitor grant for talkgroup on freq 773.431250
TDMA Phase II sync, freq: 773.431250, rssi: -67 dBm, TGroup: 12050, Desc: PB BSO East, erate: 0.000 $
TDMA Phase II sync, freq: 773.431250, rssi: -70 dBm, TGroup: 12050, Desc: PB BSO East, erate: 0.000 $
$TDMA_PTT talk group 12050, non-encrypted
$TDMA_PTT talk group 12050, non-encrypted
P25_PII: SRC_RID: 7812558 GRP 12050 $
TDMA Phase II sync, freq: 773.431250, rssi: -72 dBm, TGroup: 12050, Desc: PB BSO East, erate: 0.000 $
P25_PII: SRC_RID: 7812558 GRP 12050 $
TDMA Phase II sync, freq: 773.431250, rssi: -75 dBm, TGroup: 12050, Desc: PB BSO East, erate: 0.000 $
P25_PII: SRC_RID: 7812558 GRP 12050 $

Audio seems super clear!!! I may have had a dropout burp still.. need to listen longer...
Both running sounds sensational.

Single P25p2 system 3 talkgroups.
Pompano Beach Fire/Rescue, Broward County Sheriff Dispatch (East/West) Live Audio Feed (broadcastify.com)

4 systems roaming, 2@P25p2. 2@P25p1
Broward County Fire-Rescue Live Audio Feed (broadcastify.com)
Last edited:


Jew lover
Mar 11, 2020
Wa State
Quirk that does not seem to impact performance.
Despite multiple writes with different frequencies, the upper right display on multiple tabs shows a prior frequency
The frequency display should clear on <write-config> in the latest version.

I'm getting Grants on the console screen but with P2 systems nothing shows on the TG log screen. The P1 system populates the TG log and the console log displays normal.
Please go to the TG Log tab and press edit. Check all of the log triggers. Does P2 log for you after doing that?

New version available. EVM calculations and display are added in 12-14_0545


Feed Provider
Dec 29, 2007
The frequency display should clear on <write-config> in the latest version.

Please go to the TG Log tab and press edit. Check all of the log triggers. Does P2 log for you after doing that?

New version available. EVM calculations and display are added in 12-14_0545
I did that the other day, will do it again now.

Same result..
rssi: -72 tsbk_ps 49 sa 1 ue 1 wacn_id 0xbee00 sys_id 0x997 nac 0x991 rf_id 1 site_id 1 freq 774.906250 rfg 38 agc -29.8 $
SYS_INFO wacn 0xbee00 sys_id 0x997 nac 0x991 $
$TDMA VOICE GRANT_02, freq 773.431250, tgroup: 11024, slot: 0
$TDMA_PTT talk group 11024, non-encrypted
$TDMA_PTT talk group 11024, non-encrypted
P25_PII: SRC_RID: 7895127 GRP 11024 $
P25_PII: SRC_RID: 7895127 GRP 11024 $
P25_PII: SRC_RID: 7895127 GRP 11024 $
$TDMA_PTT talk group 11024, non-encrypted
P25_PII: SRC_RID: 304 GRP 11024 $
P25_PII: SRC_RID: 304 GRP 11024 $
P25_PII: SRC_RID: 304 GRP 11024 $
logging -999

TG Log:
P25-P2 771.556250 MHz, TG 11021 , Dispatch 8 Hollywood, 2021-12-14-09:15:40, -73 dbm, cc_freq 774.906250 mhz, RID 301, P25-P2, EVM 0%,
P25-P1 852.637500 MHz, TG 5265 , FLL Dispatch, 2021-12-14-09:16:21, -90 dbm, cc_freq 853.912500 mhz, RID 7865359, P25-P1, EVM 0%,

This started with the rev you fixed the encryption issue. Audio just getting through, just not logging now.
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