This is the first time it's gone this far. Those guys are getting screwed. It's all politics.
(Sponsorship Updated As Of: 11/18/2008)
ASSEMBLY, No. 3467
Sponsored by:
District 37 (Bergen)
Assemblyman JOHN E. ROONEY
District 39 (Bergen)
Makes various changes to Palisades Interstate Park Commission.
As introduced.
EXPLANATION – Matter enclosed in bold-faced brackets [thus] in the above bill is
not enacted and is intended to be omitted in the law.
Matter underlined thus is new matter.
AN ACT concerning the Palisades Interstate 1 Park Commission,
2 amending R.S.32:14-21, supplementing chapter 14 of Title 32 of
3 the Revised Statues, and repealing section 1 of P.L.1981, c.93
4 and R.S.32:14-22 through R.S.32:14-26.
6 BE IT ENACTED by the Senate and General Assembly of the State
7 of New Jersey:
9 1. R.S.32:14-21 is amended to read as follows:
10 32:14-21. a. The governing body of any county in which any
11 parks or parkways in this State under the jurisdiction of the
12 Palisades Interstate Park Commission are situated may [appoint
13 such patrolmen as it may deem necessary] , by ordinance or
14 resolution, as appropriate, provide that the members and officers of
15 the county police department and force shall have general authority,
16 without limitation, as provided by law for county police officers, for
17 the purpose of keeping order and enforcing the laws and the
18 provisions of this chapter. [The patrolmen so appointed shall be
19 provided with uniforms by the commission and] Upon the adoption
20 of such an ordinance or resolution, the members of the county
21 police department and force shall have, within such portions of
22 Palisades Interstate Park as lie within the boundaries of this State,
23 and such parts of any State, county or other public highways as lie
24 within the limits of such portions of the park and all the lands, parks
25 and parkways in this State under the jurisdiction of the commission,
26 all powers, duties and liabilities of police officers [in cities] of the
27 county police department and force in the making of arrests and the
28 execution of criminal process and the enforcement of all the laws of
29 the State and the provisions of this chapter. [The commission may
30 appoint such patrolmen to hold office at the pleasure of the
31 commission or for such term as the commission may determine and
32 may determine the duties of such patrolmen and make all
33 reasonable rules and regulations respecting the same. Such
34 patrolmen shall receive such compensation as from time to time
35 may be fixed and determined by the commission. Each of such
36 patrolmen shall be a resident of either this State or the State of New
37 York, and if a resident of the State of New York he shall not be
38 disqualified to act as a patrolman in this State by reason of non39
residence in this State, anything in the statutes of this State to the
40 contrary notwithstanding.]
41 b. On and after the date on which section 1 of P.L. , c. ,
42 amending this section, shall take effect, the offices and terms of any
43 officers and employees employed by the commission as patrolmen
44 or law enforcement officers are terminated.
45 (cf: P.L.1939, c.191, s.22)
2. (New section) a. The Court of Palisades 1 Interstate Park
2 created by R.S.32:14-22 is abolished and all of its functions, powers
3 and duties are hereby terminated.
4 b. The offices and terms of any judge of the Court of Palisades
5 Interstate Park appointed pursuant to R.S.32:14-25, and of the
6 assistants, officers, and other employees of the Court of Palisades
7 Interstate Park, are hereby terminated.
8 c. This section shall not affect the tenure, compensation, and
9 pension rights, if any, of the holder of a position not specifically
10 abolished herein in office upon the effective date of this section.
12 3. (New section) a. Notwithstanding any law to the contrary,
13 the Central Municipal Court of Bergen County shall have
14 jurisdiction with respect to crimes, disorderly conduct and
15 violations of the motor vehicle and traffic or other laws of this
16 State, occurring or happening within the portion of the Palisades
17 Interstate Park lying within this State. The court shall also have
18 jurisdiction of prosecutions for violation of any of the rules and
19 regulations of the Palisades Interstate Park Commission as
20 authorized and provided for in R.S.32:14-20.
21 b. In accordance with the provisions of Article VIII, Section II,
22 paragraph 5 of the New Jersey Constitution, upon application by the
23 County of Bergen to the State Treasurer for reimbursement and
24 approval of the application by the Director of the Division of
25 Budget and Accounting, reimbursement shall be made by the State
26 for any expenditures made by the court that exceed revenues
27 received as a result of the provisions of this section.
29 4. (New section) The Supreme Court may adopt Rules of Court
30 and the Administrative Director of the Courts may issue directives
31 to implement procedures for the disposition of records and property
32 of the Court of Palisades Interstate Park and the transfer of cases
33 pending in the court as of the effective date of section 2 of P.L. ,
34 c. (C. )(pending before the Legislature as this bill) in accordance
35 with the provisions of section 1 of P.L.1991, c.119 (C.2B:9-1). A
36 pending case includes any case which has not been finally resolved.
38 5. The following sections are repealed:
39 R.S.32:14-22 through R.S.32:14-26; and
40 Section 1 of P.L.1981, c.93 (C.32:14-4.1).
42 6. Section 4 of this act shall take effect immediately; sections 1
43 through 3 and section 5 of this act shall take effect on the first day
44 of the fourth month following enactment.
3 This bill would eliminate the power of the Palisades Interstate
4 Park Commission (hereinafter referred to as “commission”) to
5 appoint patrolmen and a chief of police. The bill would authorize
6 the governing body of any county that includes the lands, parks and
7 parkways in this State, under the jurisdiction of the commission, to
8 provide that the members and officers of the county police
9 department and force shall have general authority, without
10 limitation, to exercise police powers and duties as provided by law
11 for county police officers in the making of arrests, the execution of
12 criminal process, and the enforcement of the laws of the State.
13 The bill would terminate the employment of any officer or
14 employee employed by the commission as a patrol officer or law
15 enforcement officer.
16 Additionally, the bill would abolish the Court of Palisades
17 Interstate Park and terminate the offices and terms of any judge,
18 assistant, officer, or other employee of the court. The Central
19 Municipal Court of Bergen County would have jurisdiction with
20 respect to crimes, disorderly conduct and violations of the motor
21 vehicle and traffic or other laws of this State, occurring or
22 happening within the portion of the Palisades Interstate Park lying
23 within this State. The court would also have jurisdiction of
24 prosecutions for violation of any of the rules and regulations of the
25 Palisades Interstate Park Commission as authorized and provided
26 for in R.S.32:14-20.
27 The bill would provide that the Supreme Court may adopt Rules
28 of Court, and the Administrative Director of the Courts may issue
29 directives to implement procedures for the transfer of cases pending
30 in the court as of the date of enactment of the provisions of this bill.
31 The bill repeals various sections in Title 32 which reference this
32 court.