Palisades Interstate Park Police

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Oct 22, 2008
In the paper was another article that the PIP Police were going to be disbanded and the operation turned over to the Bergen Co. Police. I wonder when this will happen and then what freq. the PIP division will use? The VHF repeater for coverage along the Hudson? I don't believe the county radio works down behind the cliffs.
Will the officers be absorbed or just fired?
Although they are listed as an Interstate Park Police I don't believe they were ever cross trained like the Port Authority or the various Bridge/transit Police in So. Jersey.


Premium Subscriber
Aug 22, 2002
Northern NJ
Don't believe everything you read. It WAS in the Record which is notoriously anti-police, anti-fire, anti-accuracy. There's a million factors that were never addressed so it will remain to be seen.


Oct 10, 2007
ridgefield, nj
like mfr301 said it IS the Bergen Record.... Take it with a grain of salt. you gotta love politics in bergen county!

For fairness here is the article that was published:

Palisades Interstate Parkway Police to be disbanded?
Tuesday, November 25, 2008

The Palisades Interstate Parkway Police Department would be disbanded and its duties shifted to the Bergen County Police if a bipartisan bill introduced in Trenton last week is approved by the Legislature.

One of the bill’s co-sponsors, Assemblyman Gordon Johnson, D-Englewood, said today that the measure would save about $2.1 million the year after it is approved — a substantial savings, he said, at a time that lawmakers are searching for ways to bridge a $1.2 billion tax revenue shortfall.

“We’re going through some very tough times here, and as legislators, we’ve been trying to find places to save money but to keep the same quality of public safety.”

Giving the Bergen County Police responsibility for patrolling the New Jersey section of the Palisades Interstate Parkway would meet both goals, Johnson said. The County Police have more resources — including boats and a diving team — than the 25-member Palisades Interstate Parkway Police, he said.

Johnson is co-sponsoring the bill with Republican Assemblyman John Rooney. Rooney, of Emerson, could not be reached tonight.

James Hall, executive director of the Palisades Interstate Parkway Commission, and Detective Sgt. Michael Coppola, spokesman for the Palisades Interstate Parkway Police, also could not be reached.

Bergen County would hire about 15 new police officers to handle the new territory, Johnson said. The Palisades Interstate Parkway Court also would close under the proposal. Jurisdiction for parkway infractions would shift to Bergen County’s municipal court system, providing a revenue stream to offset the cost of hiring the new officers, Johnson said.

Bergen County officials said that they would welcome the proposal if it provides enough revenue to pay for the extra police officers.

“We would be receptive to it if it makes financial sense for the county,” said Brian Hague, a Bergen County spokesman, who added that he had not reviewed the bill. “On first blush, it seems like something we would strongly consider.”

Parkway officers would have “bumping rights” if their department is eliminated, Johnson said, meaning they would have priority, based on seniority, as other area departments look to hire new officers. He said it is possible that some would be hired by the county to continue to police the parkway.

Johnson said he plans to bring the bill up for discussion at a meeting on Dec. 8 of the Assembly’s law and public safety committee, which he chairs.


Feb 24, 2007
north jersey

I think the question was can the County UHF reach down along the Hudson? I have heard it while boating along the river up to the nuke plant, and at ross's dock.
? Is the Record anti COUNTY or anti merging, and isnt this about the 4th article in 10 years that this keeps coming up -
?why does this keep coming up?


May 18, 2003
Cape May,NJ
Well the county is going ahead full steam with the countywide trunked system, Fort Lee's going to have their own trunk system. So I think the frequencies won't change until the count y trunked system goes online then they'll more than likely be on there. The New York division will be than likely be on the Rockland County Trunked system. This is only a geuss.


May 8, 2006
formally East Jersey part time south of the Border
The Record - accurate? listed J Rooney from Emerson ?! He's from Northvale....
a call to some OEM freinds say this is the first State Bill sponsored for a change at the NJ-PIP and they mean it; Johnson is very close to the County Police from his days at Englewood PD

lets see any bets 6 months - 1 year


Aug 16, 2008
In the land of make believe
With the bill being introduced with bi partisan support for the very first time (it never had that support) it sounds very serious. It's a way for the state to lessen their burden.
It sure sounds like the PIP cops are going to get screwed. I hope that most of them get jobs with the BCPD, more money, better benefits. Those that can't make the cut are the ones who should be worried.
Still no answer on the UHF radio availability on the lower level.


May 18, 2003
Cape May,NJ
"Introducing a bill" means absolutely nothing. Bipartisan support just means there's also people on both sides also DISAGREE. It can fall apart in no time without any rhyme or reason. Trust me I have seen stronger bills crumble so this is far from a "done deal"


Aug 16, 2008
In the land of make believe
This is the first time it's gone this far. Those guys are getting screwed. It's all politics.
(Sponsorship Updated As Of: 11/18/2008)
ASSEMBLY, No. 3467
Sponsored by:
District 37 (Bergen)
Assemblyman JOHN E. ROONEY
District 39 (Bergen)
Makes various changes to Palisades Interstate Park Commission.
As introduced.
EXPLANATION – Matter enclosed in bold-faced brackets [thus] in the above bill is
not enacted and is intended to be omitted in the law.
Matter underlined thus is new matter.
AN ACT concerning the Palisades Interstate 1 Park Commission,
2 amending R.S.32:14-21, supplementing chapter 14 of Title 32 of
3 the Revised Statues, and repealing section 1 of P.L.1981, c.93
4 and R.S.32:14-22 through R.S.32:14-26.
6 BE IT ENACTED by the Senate and General Assembly of the State
7 of New Jersey:
9 1. R.S.32:14-21 is amended to read as follows:
10 32:14-21. a. The governing body of any county in which any
11 parks or parkways in this State under the jurisdiction of the
12 Palisades Interstate Park Commission are situated may [appoint
13 such patrolmen as it may deem necessary] , by ordinance or
14 resolution, as appropriate, provide that the members and officers of
15 the county police department and force shall have general authority,
16 without limitation, as provided by law for county police officers, for
17 the purpose of keeping order and enforcing the laws and the
18 provisions of this chapter. [The patrolmen so appointed shall be
19 provided with uniforms by the commission and] Upon the adoption
20 of such an ordinance or resolution, the members of the county
21 police department and force shall have, within such portions of
22 Palisades Interstate Park as lie within the boundaries of this State,
23 and such parts of any State, county or other public highways as lie
24 within the limits of such portions of the park and all the lands, parks
25 and parkways in this State under the jurisdiction of the commission,
26 all powers, duties and liabilities of police officers [in cities] of the
27 county police department and force in the making of arrests and the
28 execution of criminal process and the enforcement of all the laws of
29 the State and the provisions of this chapter. [The commission may
30 appoint such patrolmen to hold office at the pleasure of the
31 commission or for such term as the commission may determine and
32 may determine the duties of such patrolmen and make all
33 reasonable rules and regulations respecting the same. Such
34 patrolmen shall receive such compensation as from time to time
35 may be fixed and determined by the commission. Each of such
36 patrolmen shall be a resident of either this State or the State of New
37 York, and if a resident of the State of New York he shall not be
38 disqualified to act as a patrolman in this State by reason of non39
residence in this State, anything in the statutes of this State to the
40 contrary notwithstanding.]
41 b. On and after the date on which section 1 of P.L. , c. ,
42 amending this section, shall take effect, the offices and terms of any
43 officers and employees employed by the commission as patrolmen
44 or law enforcement officers are terminated.
45 (cf: P.L.1939, c.191, s.22)
2. (New section) a. The Court of Palisades 1 Interstate Park
2 created by R.S.32:14-22 is abolished and all of its functions, powers
3 and duties are hereby terminated.
4 b. The offices and terms of any judge of the Court of Palisades
5 Interstate Park appointed pursuant to R.S.32:14-25, and of the
6 assistants, officers, and other employees of the Court of Palisades
7 Interstate Park, are hereby terminated.
8 c. This section shall not affect the tenure, compensation, and
9 pension rights, if any, of the holder of a position not specifically
10 abolished herein in office upon the effective date of this section.
12 3. (New section) a. Notwithstanding any law to the contrary,
13 the Central Municipal Court of Bergen County shall have
14 jurisdiction with respect to crimes, disorderly conduct and
15 violations of the motor vehicle and traffic or other laws of this
16 State, occurring or happening within the portion of the Palisades
17 Interstate Park lying within this State. The court shall also have
18 jurisdiction of prosecutions for violation of any of the rules and
19 regulations of the Palisades Interstate Park Commission as
20 authorized and provided for in R.S.32:14-20.
21 b. In accordance with the provisions of Article VIII, Section II,
22 paragraph 5 of the New Jersey Constitution, upon application by the
23 County of Bergen to the State Treasurer for reimbursement and
24 approval of the application by the Director of the Division of
25 Budget and Accounting, reimbursement shall be made by the State
26 for any expenditures made by the court that exceed revenues
27 received as a result of the provisions of this section.
29 4. (New section) The Supreme Court may adopt Rules of Court
30 and the Administrative Director of the Courts may issue directives
31 to implement procedures for the disposition of records and property
32 of the Court of Palisades Interstate Park and the transfer of cases
33 pending in the court as of the effective date of section 2 of P.L. ,
34 c. (C. )(pending before the Legislature as this bill) in accordance
35 with the provisions of section 1 of P.L.1991, c.119 (C.2B:9-1). A
36 pending case includes any case which has not been finally resolved.
38 5. The following sections are repealed:
39 R.S.32:14-22 through R.S.32:14-26; and
40 Section 1 of P.L.1981, c.93 (C.32:14-4.1).
42 6. Section 4 of this act shall take effect immediately; sections 1
43 through 3 and section 5 of this act shall take effect on the first day
44 of the fourth month following enactment.
3 This bill would eliminate the power of the Palisades Interstate
4 Park Commission (hereinafter referred to as “commission”) to
5 appoint patrolmen and a chief of police. The bill would authorize
6 the governing body of any county that includes the lands, parks and
7 parkways in this State, under the jurisdiction of the commission, to
8 provide that the members and officers of the county police
9 department and force shall have general authority, without
10 limitation, to exercise police powers and duties as provided by law
11 for county police officers in the making of arrests, the execution of
12 criminal process, and the enforcement of the laws of the State.
13 The bill would terminate the employment of any officer or
14 employee employed by the commission as a patrol officer or law
15 enforcement officer.
16 Additionally, the bill would abolish the Court of Palisades
17 Interstate Park and terminate the offices and terms of any judge,
18 assistant, officer, or other employee of the court. The Central
19 Municipal Court of Bergen County would have jurisdiction with
20 respect to crimes, disorderly conduct and violations of the motor
21 vehicle and traffic or other laws of this State, occurring or
22 happening within the portion of the Palisades Interstate Park lying
23 within this State. The court would also have jurisdiction of
24 prosecutions for violation of any of the rules and regulations of the
25 Palisades Interstate Park Commission as authorized and provided
26 for in R.S.32:14-20.
27 The bill would provide that the Supreme Court may adopt Rules
28 of Court, and the Administrative Director of the Courts may issue
29 directives to implement procedures for the transfer of cases pending
30 in the court as of the date of enactment of the provisions of this bill.
31 The bill repeals various sections in Title 32 which reference this
32 court.


Silent Key
Feb 20, 2003
Hudson Valley, NY
Why does there continue to be so much confusion over this?

The New York division will be than likely be on the Rockland County Trunked system. This is only a geuss.

What happens in New Jersey has nothing to do with what happens in New York.

The New York State portion of the Palisades Interstate Parkway is patrolled by Troop F, SP Haverstraw units of the New York State Police - who use the NYSP VHF-High band system (155.535 bases / 154.935 units). They will continue to use that system until (and if) it's upgraded (read: the Statewide Wireless Network). Could SP Haverstraw units have access to Rockland's system when it comes on line - yes, that's likely, for interoperability purposes.

The New York portion of the Palisades Interstate Park Commission's properties (Sterling Forest, Harriman State Park, Rockland Lake, Nyack Beach, Purple Heart Museum, etc., etc., etc.) is patrolled by Region 8 units of the New York State Park Police (154.890R, 151.4)



May 8, 2006
formally East Jersey part time south of the Border
Exactly, they did it in New York - gave the roadway to the NYState Police, the park to the park police;
IN New Jersey that is what keeps getting proposed, who cares if the move to the County saves money, the cops will benifit and the job - they all love - gets done, with more police power(Jurisdiction)
If the NJ commisoner wants to save money, then replace his Police with lower paid park security and contract with the 4 bordering towns on an as needed basis; the NJ State PD has repeatedly said no to the job of covering the PIP.


May 18, 2003
Cape May,NJ
I wish you'd actually read what I wrote before adding your two cents! I just mentioned the NY side is probablly going to have access to the Rockland System and the NJ side is probablly going to have access to the Rockland Syste,


What happens in New Jersey has nothing to do with what happens in New York.

The New York State portion of the Palisades Interstate Parkway is patrolled by Troop F, SP Haverstraw units of the New York State Police - who use the NYSP VHF-High band system (155.535 bases / 154.935 units). They will continue to use that system until (and if) it's upgraded (read: the Statewide Wireless Network). Could SP Haverstraw units have access to Rockland's system when it comes on line - yes, that's likely, for interoperability purposes.

The New York portion of the Palisades Interstate Park Commission's properties (Sterling Forest, Harriman State Park, Rockland Lake, Nyack Beach, Purple Heart Museum, etc., etc., etc.) is patrolled by Region 8 units of the New York State Park Police (154.890R, 151.4)



NY/NJ Database Guy
Database Admin
Oct 4, 2007
The Rockland and Bergen trunked systems are going to be tied together anyway. They will share at least one site, Stag Hill in Mahwah, where they will be physically interfaced with each other.


Aug 16, 2008
In the land of make believe
How did this get turned into a Rockland Bergen trunking debate?
It's a PIP Police thread. Don't hijack the thread!!!
Back to the thread as Scan XO said there are a number of options. Since the BCPD has county wide jurisdiction already they are certainly entitled to patrol the parkway.
Just doing away with the Chief, Commissioner(s), Court, etc. will save money. There are 2- 3 officers per shift and just adding those to BCPD would not require anymore supervisors. They can still use the PIP hq. as a substation.
Why they have their own court is beyond common sense. The towns and cities already have jurisdiction and so would the courts. It's just like on the T-pike/GSP. You get arrested/ticketed you deal with the court of jurisdiction not a special court.
I do believe that this is the a political deal anyway but it might save some money.
BCPD (I am not a member) did not fail in Rockleigh or Teterboro. It's always political in NJ. Teterboro uses 2 agencies. There should be at least a regional approach to cut expenses and don't give me they don't know my town crap.


Feb 24, 2007
north jersey
The Last Word:
The PIP could be taken over by the NJ State Park Police? no?

Lets just wait and see; these things always work it self out no matter what we post here
BCPD, PIP, SP, all are fine agencies lets stand behind them all


Oct 22, 2008
I just hope what ever they do that no officer loses their job. Hopefully they will do the right thing for the taxpaying citizens.


Oct 19, 2005
I saw this story first elsewhere. A lot of people seem to think there is a political vendetta against the PIP PD becuase this assemblymen's son was arrested by them.

I hope that is not true. I now it is difficult to disband and or merge a department, but IF it is done in the best interests of the citizens of the state it will be quickly forgotten and we will adjust to the new way.

After all at one time the entire PIP was patrolled by a single agency as the Parkway PD had juristdiction in both states. They lost that authority (It is rummored that the Port Authority had something to do with it?) and the NY side was given to the State Troopers/Park PD and a new PIP PD was formed for NJ.

If this is a political vendetta, I am confident it will not get enough votes to pass, but hey, this is NJ and anything can happen.


Oct 19, 2005
You could be right about not having bi-state authority. There was a "PIP PD NY Division" and I think they had the same cars and uniforms so I just assumed it was the same department.

I will challenge my source to see if he has anything to back up his claim that they were a bi-state agency at one time.
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