Palisades Interstate Park Police

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Sarcastic Member
Nov 23, 2004
AES-256 secured
A friend of mine work for the New York State Park Police at Bear Mountain back in the 90's. I remember his badge actually said "Palisades Interstate Park Police" and had both the NY and NJ State seals (almost exactly like the Port Authority badge). Funny thing is his creds said New York State Park Police.


Oct 19, 2005
Funny how memory plays tricks on you. I was pretty sure the Park Police took over in 1980 and the PIP PD NY division ceased to exist at that time.


Aug 16, 2008
In the land of make believe
E911 god is correct on the badge. In the 80's troop F started patrolling the parkway and the park police were only in the actual park.

Again in over 40 years there was no bi state operation although they were setup as such that is why it's called the Palisades INTERSTATE Park Commission. They never had very much to do with each other except near the state line.

Let's see if and how this progresses. I hear that there are some people whom BCPD does not want to hire but it's interesting that it came out that the legislator who wants this change has had some interaction with the NJ PIP PD. The big question is does this save the taxpayers any bucks or is it just a "I'll get you for that move?"


Dec 6, 2008
Bergen County,NJ
I think the bergen record is completely anti-county police. Anything that has to deal with the police the record just starts bashing them.

But if the county did take over the operations it would be interesting to see how it plays out down the road. Hopefully all those officers would be picked up by the county or evens surrounding towns instead of just letting them go.

The county police have a decent set of guys who get some serious drug arrests and crap loads of dui arrest. And the PIP im sure has it share of both of those. Only downside would be all the county officers having to learn the entire park system.

But hey it would only make me busier at work.


Oct 19, 2005
I don't know I drive the PIP A Lot. It is about 11 miles from state line to Fort Lee and on some days I can see up to 5 PIP PD cars. That seems like an awful lot of police coverage. I can drive the PIP in NY from State Line to Bear Mountain and not pass a single NYSP car.

I can't say they have a zero tolerance for speeding however. I know I have exceeded the posted 50mph (by an undisclosed amount :)) blew past them and didn't get pulled over.

I can't see the BCPD needing to add that many cars to the Parkway/Park. Yes they cover the park too, but 90% of their efforts are on the Parkway.
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Aug 16, 2008
In the land of make believe
I take it you are a dispatcher for BCPD. Learning the park is not a hard thing. Many of the qualified officers would be picked up by BCPD. Several will not from what I hear. Those are the people who need to be concerned. 11 miles would require 2 cars. 1 additional car for the park/lower area. BCPD would handle that in a professional manner. The county court would hear the cases as they do now for BCPD.

But will the UHF radio work on the lower area? Someone must have a scanner and check this out.

I think the bergen record is completely anti-county police. Anything that has to deal with the police the record just starts bashing them.

But if the county did take over the operations it would be interesting to see how it plays out down the road. Hopefully all those officers would be picked up by the county or evens surrounding towns instead of just letting them go.

The county police have a decent set of guys who get some serious drug arrests and crap loads of dui arrest. And the PIP im sure has it share of both of those. Only downside would be all the county officers having to learn the entire park system.

But hey it would only make me busier at work.


Dec 6, 2008
Bergen County,NJ
when you say lower area, do you mean down by the hudson? I know we dont usually have a problem when the cars are up in Alpine or the few times they've had to assist along the cliffs. But i can't remember if they've ever been down by the water. Well atleast not when i've been working.


Dec 8, 2008
Palisades Interstate Police?

Does anyone know if the PIP have a website? I've been trying to find out the history of them and number of officers etc.. So far i've been unsuccessful. Any info would be greatly appreciated


Aug 16, 2008
In the land of make believe
The bill hopefuly will be modified and officers are going should get a level of protection and many we hope will be absorbed into BCPD but not all.

The PIP Police will be going away. If you don't want to believe it open your eyes. Savings will result from closing of the court, doing away with another Chief and staff. This could happen fairly quickly with the bill modification. The County already patrols parks, has bicycles, investigators and other specialized units. It will give the former PIP officers additional career paths.

The VHF repeater freq. who knows ?
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Oct 22, 2008
It's good to hear that the officers will not lose their jobs.

Let's hope that everything goes well for the officers and the taxpayers.


additional career paths?

anyone who gets laid off automatically has different career paths.


Oct 22, 2008
What do you mean different career paths? Don't they have to apply to other agencies if they want to stay as an officer or do other depts. have to hire them?


Oct 19, 2005
PIP Police will be going away. If you don't want to believe it open your eyes. Savings will result from closing of the court, doing away with another Chief and staff. This could happen fairly quickly with the bill modification. The County already patrols parks, has bicycles, investigators and other specialized units.

Yes, but the County Police Patrol "County Parks" they do not patrol State Parks, City Parks or Town Parks. The PIP is a sepaerate "Commission" all together. I suppose if they really wanted to save money they could disband the PIP and NOT have the county pick it up, just tell the locals (Alpine, Tenefly, Englewood Cliffs, Fort Lee) they have to handle any call on it and they could patrol it at their discretion. Or if they really wanted to save money disband all the locals and have the County patrol everything, after all it is about saving money right. Better yet disband the County Police and let the state pick it up or how about disband the State PD and let the Federal Governement Patrol Everything like they do in Japan.

I am joking of course, but my point is, this is far from the done deal you made it out to be and if it happens it won't be to save money. Nothing in governement is ever done to save money it all about the power. Always has been and always will be.


Premium Subscriber
Aug 22, 2002
Northern NJ
All this talk and no one even questioned why the bill was introduced?

Here's a rundown:

Rooney's son get's stopped by the PIP police and arrested for cocaine and a handgun - get's PTI.
Rooney's son get's stopped by the PIP for doing almost 80mph in a 50mph gets a ticket - Found guilty
Rooney's son get's stopped by the PIP for speeding AGAIN and now driving suspended - found guilty
Rooney's son get's stopped by the PIP for a break light, driving suspended, and now a traffic warrant arrest - found guilty

(All 3 mv charges ammended to unlicensed operator)

Rooney's son does NOT get courtesy that the father was hoping for. So, instead of fixing your son's problem, just remove the police department.

Gordon Johnson's motive is racism however the PIP has actually more arrests of caucasians than ANY other race and that's ever year for the past 10 years. Instead of Gordon contacting a responsible agency for an investigation he takes it upon himself to listen to Rooney and write a bill.

Then, they all drive down to Trenton, tell the assembly committee that it would save the state 1.3 million dollars.... yeah that's all well and good until the county executive stands up and asks for 1.5 million in state aid to fund it.

Fund what? Oh, the replacement of 27 officers who make half the pay of the 15 officers that are "rumored' to cover it. No. The bill says the BCPD would be responsible. Meaning 1 officer responding from Mahwah to cover a car accident technically covers the bill requirements. Yes...... take twice the officers at half the pay and replace it with half the officers at twice the pay.

So no, will it happen? Not in the eyes of any reasonable thinking polititan or exectuive. The liability alone before getting into the million other problems are astronomical.

As for the other questions. The State of NY took over DOT maintenance, and NYSP patrol of the parkway, and NY Park Police patrol of Bear Mountain when the PIP NY Side became one of the 36 parks in the NY State Park System. It was part of the agreement. PIP allows the NY Side to be part of the NY State Park System and they would provide services. It had nothing to do with anything beyond that.

As for BCPD. NO the radio does NOT Work. Ask any M.E. Investigator who uses his cell minutes while hanging on the side of a cliff at a dead body job.
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Premium Subscriber
Aug 22, 2002
Northern NJ
Oh and by the way, your currently taking about 1.3 million spread over 21 counties and now making it 1.5 million over just 1 county, bergen.

As for the officers. The bill (A-3467) is TERMINATION. WHich means everyone goes on the rice bill and collects unemployment (yes another state burden). Everyone loses their homes because they can't afford it now and gets starting pay with another department IF they even get picked up.
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