I’m using a laptop. Yeah with the laptop is a combo of the mic/headphone Jack. I’m using a Belcan audio cable. I don’t think there is much voltage coming off of it or interference.
Would it be better to go to USB instead?
Okay. You have a laptop. You should have stated the make and model of it.
Do you have a set of mic/headphones to test?
You need to assure that at least that works. In control panel>sound.
Under the recording tab. For microphone, is the bar graph on the right fluctuating with sound?
Click on the microphone icon and go down to listen.
If you want to hear your radio through the pc speakers, click the listen to check box. Make sure that you're playing back through the default device.
Using VB cable you may have it selected as cable input. You're using your pc mic input. Not vb cable.
In the levels tab. Make sure the levels are microphone at around 80 % but not above around 95%. Important so you don;t introduce distortion.
Mic. boost. can be up a little bit. Try it at 0 first.
Advanced tab. Give it at least 41000 Hz and 24 bit if you have it.
48000 and 24 bit as another option. Go back to sound and make sure the mic input if the default.
Kind of turning into a tutorial here. You need your pager input signal to make the bargraph excursion enough without saturating into the red.
A google search for PDW setup would give more tips.
Those work for me. Windows 10 & 11 have options in the sound notification area to save your settings per application. Dig for it.
Realize you're sending in a signal level many times above what an actual pc mic emits. Imagine the pc hearing a microphone that is right up to your mouth and you're talking loudly.
Your scanner. Using the external speaker out? Or does it have a line level out? Even line level out might be too much for the mic input to not distort. You will have to turn the scanner volume way down and get the mic level settings ballparked at the very least.
Yeah. Working with speaker or line level outputs on your scanner using the USB interface (or line level inputs on a desktop pc).
The Behringer unit I stated will make all pc programs you use with your scanner audio output work much better.
Does for me. And being plug and play for pc and mac. Pretty slick. Easy to setup and shows up as a sound card in your pc with all of the familiar settings.
Hope it helps. If anyone else needs to pipe in. Shoulda' done it first. Give the guy some good suggestions.