Some quick items:
The 37XX series of call signs are for narcotics detectives and appear to be officer specific. They will have an unmarked car and work out of HQ on Western Ave.
The 38XX series of call signs are for detectives other than narcotics and appear to be officer specific. They will have an unmarked car and work out of HQ on Western Ave.
Since there are a number of detectives from different departments lumped into the 38XX series, it appears the powers that be wanted a better numbering system to differentiate these detectives. Therefore, the five digit numbering system was born:
381XX = Homicide
384XX = Arson
385XX = Burglary
I have not heard any other HQ 5 digit call signs (note that I said HQ units) with other than a 1, 4, or 5 for the third digit.
33626 = Zone 3 Bike Officer
33627 = Zone 3 Bike Officer
33628 = Zone 3 Bike Officer
33629 = Zone 3 Bike Officer
So the second digit is the Zone and the third digit of "6" indicates a bicycle unit/officer.
I've not heard other Zone's with 5 digit call signs for their Bicycle officers. I'm not sure why the switch here. Maybe there is some change going on with Bicycle officers being assigned directly to the Zone as opposed to SDD.
3 Bike XX = Bicycle unit ("Bike" always means "Bicycle")
I screwed that up thinking that Bike referred to Motorcycle - Whoops!?!?!? "Cycle" always means "Motorcycle".
You may hear the shift lieutenant/sergeant referring to "early side" or "late side" units. Each shift has units that start at the beginning of the shift (early side) or one hour later (late side). So early side AM shift starts at 7am and late side AM starts at 8 am.
39XX on air call signs are for Pittsburgh School Police and not undercover HQ units.
Code 2 - Obviously falls betwen a Code 1 and 3. A Code 2 is a much more imperative call for backup than a Code 1, but the officer hasn't yet been injured as in a Code 3. So call it a significant chance of an officer altercation so backup needs to be there ASAP. LOL - Hope this works.
"Run Down" is faxed by the Shift Commander (Lieutenant) at the Zone to the dispatcher/base at the begining of each shift. It details who is working each shift and their call signs, early side/late side and split shift assignments.
I was asked by a Narcotics detective to not pass on the Narcotics surveillance frequencies. To date, I've honored that request and will continue to do so. If you have those frequencies, please do not add them to this post. Amazing how that works?!?!?! Someone takes the time to talk with you and you respect their wishes. KRAZZEEEE
To that end, I've refrained from SRU changes as they are in the same boat.