I downloaded Columbus Ohio p25 codes from the software win500 to the ws1040 scanner. The codes are in the scanner but it won't scan it. Is there something I'm supposed to do when the codes are in the scanner or is there something different to do. Please help.
Your terminology that you are using is not clear as to what you have or have not done which makes it difficult to give you a straight answer. In an effort to help you take a look at the following to make sure you have done these steps.
1. Under Geneal Settings in Win 500 did you create Scanlists? If not you need to do so and Enable the ScanList by darkening the Scan box next to the Scanlist item..
2. Under TSYS in Win 500 is the MARCS-IP Type set to P25-Auto and click on System Frequencies and make sure you have frequencies in the boxes?
3. For Each Talkgroup have you assigned them to a ScanList created in #1 above? If not you must assign each to a ScanList
4. When finished with Steps 1-3 then under Scanner Tab in Win500 Upload to Scanner.
That should do it. Report back on your results.