• To anyone looking to acquire commercial radio programming software:

    Please do not make requests for copies of radio programming software which is sold (or was sold) by the manufacturer for any monetary value. All requests will be deleted and a forum infraction issued. Making a request such as this is attempting to engage in software piracy and this forum cannot be involved or associated with this activity. The same goes for any private transaction via Private Message. Even if you attempt to engage in this activity in PM's we will still enforce the forum rules. Your PM's are not private and the administration has the right to read them if there's a hint to criminal activity.

    If you are having trouble legally obtaining software please state so. We do not want any hurt feelings when your vague post is mistaken for a free request. It is YOUR responsibility to properly word your request.

    To obtain Motorola software see the Sticky in the Motorola forum.

    The various other vendors often permit their dealers to sell the software online (i.e., Kenwood). Please use Google or some other search engine to find a dealer that sells the software. Typically each series or individual radio requires its own software package. Often the Kenwood software is less than $100 so don't be a cheapskate; just purchase it.

    For M/A Com/Harris/GE, etc: there are two software packages that program all current and past radios. One package is for conventional programming and the other for trunked programming. The trunked package is in upwards of $2,500. The conventional package is more reasonable though is still several hundred dollars. The benefit is you do not need multiple versions for each radio (unlike Motorola).

    This is a large and very visible forum. We cannot jeopardize the ability to provide the RadioReference services by allowing this activity to occur. Please respect this.

Point Me to NX-5800 Programming Software

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Premium Subscriber
Jan 5, 2003
Retired 40 Year Firefighter NW Tenn
With Kenwood Software it is not as simple as buy and install. You Have to buy the Software you also have to have the LMC300 Software to activate the Software you bought. The LMC300 Software is a Management Software that also lets you install OPTIONS you buy for the NX-5000 radios you have. Out of the box the NX-5800 does Analog and Conventional NXDN. P25 and DMR must be purchased options as needed.


Radio/computer geek
Premium Subscriber
Dec 10, 2015
I'm guessing the LMC300 variant will give me conventional UHF and NEXEDGE? Thanks
The radio includes conventional NEXEDGE and analog (as well as LTR). The KPG-D1NK software is needed to program the radio (and anything else in the NX-5* series). It should come with the LMC-300 License Management Client software, which is used to activate the KPG-D1NK software and to install any option licenses you might buy for the radio (e.g., DMR, P25).

You also need a programming cable. The Kenwood version, KPG-46XM, is kind of pricey because it includes switchable USB-to-serial UART for use with older radios. There are after-market replacements (people here like BlueMax49ers). IIRC, if you are only using it for later radios like the NX-5* series, you can even build one yourself, as there's no electronics in it in the "USB" mode, just USB-A on one end and an RJ-45 plug on the other end. Someone has posted the pinouts in this forum before.


KO9JAD/Fire Lieutenant/Paramedic
Feed Provider
Nov 18, 2004
Davie, FL (Miami/Fort Lauderdale Metro)
With Kenwood Software it is not as simple as buy and install. You Have to buy the Software you also have to have the LMC300 Software to activate the Software you bought. The LMC300 Software is a Management Software that also lets you install OPTIONS you buy for the NX-5000 radios you have. Out of the box the NX-5800 does Analog and Conventional NXDN. P25 and DMR must be purchased options as needed.
What about NXDN Digital? How is that capability obtained? I need receive only for both NXDN and NXDN Digital, but wan to combine it with my UHF that I transmit on.


Premium Subscriber
Dec 19, 2002
Union County, GA
With regard to the KPG-D1N software, since you mentioned a UHF model radio... the software is forced narrowband for UHF channels. If you're going to use the radio for amateur or GMRS use, you should ask your dealer for the WIDEBAND version of KPG-D1N and be prepared to offer your amateur and/or GMRS callsign(s).
It's not an issue for VHF hams, since Kenwood allows the software to go wideband below 150 MHz without getting the wideband version.
Good luck with your project.


Feed Provider
Apr 21, 2021
Lyons, OR
Ch Spacing (Analog) (Transceiver Settings > Zone/Channel > Zone/Channel Information > Conventional)
  • In KPG-D1N, "25.0 (Wide) [kHz]" cannot be configured in Channel Spacing (Analog) if a receive frequency or a transmit frequency is configured in the following ranges:
Frequency TypeFrequency Range
VHFabove 149.98750 MHz and less than 174.01250 MHz
UHFabove 420.98750 MHz and less than 470.01250 MHz
However, if only a receive frequency is configured, "25.0 (Wide) [kHz]" can be configured in Channel Spacing (Analog) regardless of these frequency ranges.

this is direct from the kpg-d1n help file


Sep 20, 2008
Sector 001
I need receive only for both NXDN and NXDN Digital
NXDN is digital.

Are you referring to NXDN trunking?

If your radio ESN and matching RID are not provisioned in the system controller, you will not be able to receive it. Additionally, NXDN trunking programming parameters require a system key.

Kenwood radios will not unmute if they are not registered and affiliated to the system.


Feed Provider
Apr 21, 2021
Lyons, OR
unless you are registered with an agency there is no need for any trunking in a HAM radio. NXDN conventional, DMR conventional, and P25 conventional are the only digital format keys you would need or want other than other optional add-ons like SD card or Bluetooth data. Kenwood dose not do any NAS and so any trunking key would be throwing money away on something that you will NEVER use on a HAM radio. now IF you are a person that is affiliated with an agency then you will need to talk with your Kenwood dealer on what keys you will need for that system because there may be other keys needed that is on top of the trunking
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