Police Criss Codes

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Jul 8, 2006
Hello all I justed submitted the following Criss codes for inclusion in our areas database of info.
C.R.I.S.S. Codes
Columbia Regional Information Sharing Systems Codes are used when the dispatcher Fells the information may upset a bystander who may overhear the transmission. Not all of these codes are used, more information can generally be communicated in a verbose manner. The most common C.R.I.S.S. Codes are the 27-Adam, 39-adam, 39-baker and the 55-XXX.
25- Assist officer
A - in peril-- code 0
B - Needs cover –-Code 3- “step it up”
C - Potentially Hazardous
D - Needs cover --code 1
E - Meet officer-
F - Assist Other agency
G – Meet security officer
K – Other

26 – Check for
A- Police
B – Ambulance
C – Fire
D – Tow
E – Utility Company
K – other

27 – Alarm
A – HOLDUP – usually accompanied by a tone alert
B – Ambulance
C – Burglary-
E – Fire-
K – other

28 – Robbery
A – armed
B – Strong Arm-
C – other weapon
D – Purse snatch
K – Other

29 – Assault
A – shooting
B – Cutting
C – other weapon-
D – No weapon Seen-
K – Other

30 – Metal
A – Violent – Usually just say “violent” “twelve thirty four”
B – non Violent

31 – Disturbance
A – Domestic Usually say “family beef”
B – Person screaming
C – Fight
D – Drunk
E – Commotion
F – Juvenile-
G – Loud Party-
H – Sound System
K – Other

32 – Unwanted
A – ex-spouse
B – stranger
C – Customer
K – Other

33 – Threat
A – Person Threating Now
B – Telephone -Bomb –
C – Telephone other
D – note/letter
K – Other

34 – Hazard
A – Suspected Explosive
B – Smoke
C- odor of gas
D - Leaking Fuel
E – Wire Down
F – Tree/ Limbs Down
G – Hole
H – Debris

35 – Suspicious Person
A – prowler – residence
B – prowler – Commercial
C – prowler – Vehicle – Car Prowler
D – Accosting Children
E – Stranger -
K – Other

36 – Burglary
A – Residence – Breaking and entering
B – commercial -
K – Other

37 – Premises
A – Noise Inside
B – Open Door-
C – Open window-
D – Lights-
E – Lights off -
F – Vandalism
K – Other

38 – Suspicious Vehicle
A – Parked
B – Moving
C – Other

39 – Sex Crimes
A – Rape
B – molest
C – Peeper
D – Exposer
E – telephone Molest
K – Other

40 Theft
A – Shoplift
B – employee theft
C – from premises
D – from Vehicle
E – of bicycle
F – animal

41 – Motor vehicle
A – Stolen “add to the hostheet”
B – locate “attempt to locate”
C- Recovered “tale a recovered stolen”
D – Abandoned
K – Other

42 - Fraud
A – no pay
B – prescription
C – Credit Card
D – check
K – Other

43 – Property
A – Suspected Stolen
B – found
C – Abandoned
K – Other

44 – Missing Person
A – Child
B – Aged
C – runaway
K – Other

45 – Animal
A – Vicious
B – Wild
C – Person bitten
D – Sick/Injured
E – Noisy
F – stray
G – unlicensed
H – dead
K – Other

46 Assist Person
A – incomplete Call
B – Sick/Injured
C – Down
D – invalid
E – Stand By
F – Lockout
G – Motorist
H – Needy Family - “sunshine basket”
K – Other

47 – Provide Info/Advise
A – Neighborhood problem
B – Domestic Problem
C – Personal Problem
K – Other

48 Traffic Accident
A – With Injury
B – Not known if Injured
C – No Injury
D – Hit and Run
K – Other

49 – Traffic Violation
A – Attempt to elude
B – Drunk “DK driver”
C – Drag racing, squirreling-
D – parking
K – Other

50 – Direct Traffic
A – Accident
B – Fire
C- Signal
D – Sign Down
E – Congestion
F – escort
K – Other

51 – Marine Accidents
A – Drowning
B – Sinking vessel
C – diving
D – Other

52 Marine Assistance
A- rescue
B- Escort
C – diving
K – Other

53 Marine Other
A – violation
B – inspection
K – Other

54 – Protective Services
A- Abuse
B- Neglect
C- Abandoned
D- unsupervised
E- Child Custody
K – Other

55- Death
A- homicide
B- suicide
C- Accident
D- Natural
E- unknown
K – Other

56 – Vice
A- Narcotics
B- prostitution
C- Gambling
D- Obscene Material
E- Liquor
K – Other


Jul 8, 2006
Criss codes

I know for sure they are used in the Portland Area. At very least on the BOEC (Portland and Multnomah county) Trunked system. I don't listen to other systems so I don't know if they are used in Washington or Clackamas County. If any one else knows maybe they could chime in.


Just another radio geek.
Premium Subscriber
Feb 14, 2002
Gresham, OR
Eh, the information on OregonLive is questionable. It was correct at one point in time, but they literally did a copy and paste job from several websites (they had a mirror running of JoeScanner.com for a long time. It's still there (but as empty as joescanner.com), I"ll dig up the link if anyone is interested).

The CRISS codes are no longer regionwide. As far as I know the only places that still use them are BOEC (and associated dispatch customers, i.e. Portland Police Bureau, Multnomah County Sheriff, Gresham/Troutdale/Fairview/Wood Village PDs). Port of Portland can pull them up (they use the same CAD system), but I've never heard them use 'em (except maybe for 33b).

The CAD system calls them Critical Incident codes now, and the list is MUCH shorter than what has been posted here and in the DB submission.


Jul 22, 2005
kc7hta said:
The most common C.R.I.S.S. Codes are the 27-Adam, 39-adam, 39-baker and the 55-XXX.

Most of that list isn't recognized by BOEC. Your 27A is accurate but 27B is not, the rest of the 27's aren't recognized. Your 39A and 39B are correct, but the rest aren't recognized. 55A is correct, 55K is recognized as what you have listed as 55D, there is no 55B-55E. The only other one on the list that gets occasional use is the 33 series, but the list doesn't reflect what they currently are as they change every few years (especially since 9/11).

BOEC calls them sensitive incident codes, maybe thats because the touchy feeley people of Portland are more sensitive than other places :roll:


Jul 8, 2006
Thank you for the input. I've been looking for the codes that are in use but there seems to be very little info for our area that is online. If you know of any other codes that used in portland please let me know. The list i posted was from the late 90's when the RS pro-90 came out. I've listen for a long time but it still thoughs me when they call out there is a 39 adam... or what not. I thought the list might help others,


Oct 25, 2005
mh34444 said:
Most of that list isn't recognized by BOEC. Your 27A is accurate but 27B is not, the rest of the 27's aren't recognized. Your 39A and 39B are correct, but the rest aren't recognized. 55A is correct, 55K is recognized as what you have listed as 55D, there is no 55B-55E. The only other one on the list that gets occasional use is the 33 series, but the list doesn't reflect what they currently are as they change every few years (especially since 9/11).

BOEC calls them sensitive incident codes, maybe thats because the touchy feeley people of Portland are more sensitive than other places :roll:

What he said ^^^
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