I am not familiar with current ECO activity but, from our 159.435 Adirondack Ranger feed, I hear regular Region 6 use, primarily on the Gomer and Whites Hill sites. The Region 4 Petersburg site is well within the feed coverage area but has only rarely been heard with car to car communications so it seems like cell is also the preferred communication for Region 4 Rangers.so most if not all ecos and rangers will contact the county via there system. most if not all radio from region 6/7/8/9 to Central is done via phone. busy region 1/2/3/4/5 use the dec radio system.
the mohonk rangers belong to nys parks not dec. spill reponse does have access to the dec radio system however they never use it
8N are Rangers 7N is Law Enforcement 4 digit identifiers usually refer to assistant forest rangers or certain program staff <(rarity the even use it)
Use of radio as primary vs cell seems to be for communication with Ray Brook vs Central. Cell, if coverage is available, seems to be preferred for communication with Central.
There are a lot of 4 digit IDs regularly heard in Region 5 High Peaks area with the many Assistant Rangers and the Trail and Summit Stewards.