In your opinion
I'd like your opinion on if this is the vendor's fault or not:
I was asked to sit in on a Motorola presentation for a proposed trunking system at a company I do other work for. (The work I do there has nothing to do with radios).
Their current system is three simplex VHF frequencies.
The chief complaint was that the company was hearing other companies on the frequencies they use, and that there were too many deadspots.
Since I can program Moto at another contract I have, I looked at one of their radios.
They were using CSQ. I suggested they put a PL on the transmit and recieve.
They had the vendor put a PL (I think it's now 627 DPL) on the radios. No more hearing other companies on the same frequency. They had been complaining to the vendor for quite a while, I heard people say at this meeting, about the interference from other licensees. The vendor is the one that programs the radios.
In your opinion, did the Motorola vendor have a responsibility to suggest a PL?
BTW: The people at this plant work mostly outside, So in the winter, they would put the radios on the belt clip or holster, and then put clothes and parkas over the antenna, pressing the antenna next to the body. The body is a great sponge for RF. I suggested they start using mikes with antennas on the mike. They did. No more dead spots.