K5MAR said:
Well, if you don't even try, you are sure not to hear a thing! :roll:
When Nixon was here in '74, things were much different. It was expensive, at @ $5 per crystal, but courtesy of a friend on the Tulsa Trib, we had a good list of freqs.
Mark S.
You're right. It's a good thing I didn't say anything about not trying. :roll: back at ya.
When Nixon was here in '74...LOL..... talk about :roll: and things were different...yeah. Yeah, they sure were, such as I wasn't even born yet for starters, and the list goes on from there.
I don't think you are seriously going to compare the 1974 technology that law enforcement was using to what is being used today are you? That $5 per crystal doesn't even come close on the inflation scale as a comparison to today's communications equipment.
My whole point was that while you might be able to listen to the local agencies that are in the area that are used for extra duties due to President Bush arriving, I don't think you are going to hear the Secret Service details doing thier things.