PRO-668 CPU Firmware and PC Application Updates

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Jan 19, 2010
SW Pasco County
pro-668 update

A second response, see the e-mail thread below!!

Thanks for getting back to me. I can assure you that we have not forgotten about our loyal PRO-668 customers. As I stated earlier I do believe that updates will be coming in the near future. Now while it might take a little time, product development is on the case. Please be a little patient with us and I am sure you will not be disappointed.

Thank you again


Ed Kelerchian
General Wireless Operations Inc. d/b/a RadioShack
300 RadioShack Circle
Fort Worth, TX 76102-1964
O > 800-843-7422

Sent: Friday, May 20, 2016 9:33 AM
To: RadioShack Customer Care
Subject: Re: This email is a service from RadioShack


While i am definitely interested the updates to DMR that whistler is releasing, I am also wondering when Radio Shack plans to update the CPU of the pro-668 to what the whistler 1080 (it's clone) has which is CPU version 3.1, while the Pro-668 sits at 2.4. Also the PC application (i-scan) for the pro-668 is version 2.5 Bld 357, While the EZ Scan for the whistler 1080 is 2.7 Bld 375.

This leads me to believe that we (pro-668) users seem to have been forgotten about. It worries me that with these exciting new releases reference DMR will not make it to our (pro-668) scanners in a timely fashion once released.


Premium Subscriber
Jan 6, 2015
Gulfport, Ms
Would be nice if Radio Shack just let Whistler handle all the updates for the Pro series. It would be great to get an update on my 668.


Mar 31, 2010
Considering we have not gotten the latest upgrades the 1080 has im not sure.

It has happened in the past where the PRO-668 has not gotten the very latest updates compared to the WS1080, but then we eventually got caught up. For example, PC application software version 2.3 was only released for the WS1080 and never for the PRO-668. When PC application software version 2.4 was released it was available for both scanners and we got caught up to the WS1080.

The point is that even though the PRO-668 is not current with the WS1080 right now, we might get lucky and get an update that will again bring us up-to-date. I would hope for that because Radio Shack is still selling the PRO-668 in their retail stores as I saw one on the shelf for sale in my local Radio Shack store 3 days ago.


Premium Subscriber
Oct 11, 2005
A second response, see the e-mail thread below!!

Thanks for getting back to me. I can assure you that we have not forgotten about our loyal PRO-668 customers. As I stated earlier I do believe that updates will be coming in the near future. Now while it might take a little time, product development is on the case. Please be a little patient with us and I am sure you will not be disappointed.

Thank you again

Wow, I did NOT expect that! I figured that RS would simply ignore your emails. If they really do supply a firmware update for DMR for the Pro-668, that would be terrific. It might be quite some time though (six months? a year?).

It would certainly require an update to the programming software too, of course. As it is I already have a favorites list of non-P25 digital channels. I use the headphone disc out to connect to a computer via audio cable for processing with DSD+.
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Mar 31, 2010
I suggest buying a lottery ticket because I think you'd have a better shot of winning at that than RS issuing a DMR firmware update for the Pro-668.

Wow, I did NOT expect that! I figured that RS would simply ignore your emails. If they really do supply a firmware update for DMR for the Pro-668, that would be terrific...

Based on your posts do you think it might also be a good time to buy a lottery ticket to hit it big? LOL
Dec 19, 2002
PRO668 DMR when and where?

RS also told me that the PRO668 is at the same firmware level as the 1080, and that they had to see if we would get the DMR software thru RadioShack.Com or thru another source???
Apr 7, 2005
I have been in contact with Radio Shack and have gotten the same response. I am beginning to question if it is just lip service. I have sent them letters, contacted them on their website and on facebook and they keep repeating the samething.


Mar 31, 2010
FYI Whistler just released additional PC Application, CPU Firmware and DSP Firmware updates for their WS1080 handheld scanner a few days ago. Those of us with the PRO-668 are falling further behind our WS1080 brother.

Latest PC Application Version
PRO-668: 2.5 Bld 357 (Released July 23, 2015)
WS1080: 2.10 Bld 436

Latest CPU Firmware Version
PRO-668: 2.4 (June 4, 2015)
WS1080: 3.5

Latest DSP Firmware Version
PRO-668: 1.3 (Initial Release)
WS1080: 2.2


Silent Key
Dec 19, 2002
Supply (Lockwood Inlet area), NC
Keep in mind that Uniden is only offering updates/upgrades on their newest radios as well. I'm sure the Radio Shack upgrades/updates are tied to whatever the contract was at the time and/or what Radio Shack is willing to pay for on behalf of it's customers.

If I'm not mistaken, I think the 668 didn't carry 100% of the features of their parent radio from day one.


Feb 18, 2006
South Suburbs.
As for me im going to be optimistic on the DMR upgrade for the pro 668. the way i see it makes more sense for all the bugs to be worked out in both the firmware and pc app. once that happens then a final version can be issued to the pro 668.


Feb 8, 2014
Surry County, North Carolina
I am looking to purchase a new scanner for my vehicle, and possibly one for in the garage/shop.
Currently I have a pro-668 and am just biding my time and waiting to see IF, and WHO is going to support the one I already have before deciding on a brand.

In my opinion, neither company has stepped up to the plate on this whole upgrade issue. They both indicate there is a possibility, and keep dangling the carrot in front of our faces. Quite frankly I'm getting a little turned off with both of them. If they keep it up, somebody else might jump in and take a chunk of the market.

As for now, the wallet stays closed indefinitely until there is a decision either way. I understand the positions of both companies, so I don't need a rehashing of previous posts, what we need is some action and a little more certainty from at least one of them. It's simple really, yes or no.


Mar 31, 2010
I am looking to purchase a new scanner for my vehicle, and possibly one for in the garage/shop...

In my opinion, neither company has stepped up to the plate on this whole upgrade issue...

As for now, the wallet stays closed indefinitely until there is a decision either way...

If you are looking for (or need) a phase II scanner the only offering from Radio Shack is the PRO-668. In that case Whistler is the hands-down winner over Radio Shack on price alone. Radio Shack sells the PRO-668 for $500 regularly and for $375 when it goes on sale. Right now you can purchase the Whistler WS1080 brand-new for $350 (WS1080 Low Price plus 18 shipping - $350.00 : The Hamstation!, Your one stop on-line source for amateur radio fun). Also you know that the DMR upgrade is already available for the WS1080.

The other big reason that I would not purchase a Radio Shack scanner over a Whistler is that Radio Shack offers no factory repair service after your warranty ends. Whistler will repair their own scanners both in- and out-of-warranty. For scanner repairs requiring proprietary Whistler repair parts that are not available anywhere else, having that factory repair service available is a big advantage IMHO.


Retired and playing radio whenever I want.
Staff member
Lead Database Admin
Sep 22, 2002
Folks, before you get too critical of either Radio Shack or Whistler (especially Whistler), please remember that the Pro-668 came out close to the same time as Radio Shack was going mostly belly-up. Radios being sold right now might be existing stock in the warehouse, and it could be an orphan.

It may be the fraternal twin of the WS1080, but it's not exactly the same radio and firmware updates would require separate development effort from Whistler. Radio Shack would have to pay for this, and in Radio Shack's current circumstances I’m not holding my breath.

I too have a Pro-668, and it works nicely for what it is, but when I bought it, I did so with the understanding it could be an orphan.

If we're lucky enough to get a firmware update that's great, but we have to accept that it may not happen; that's hardly Whistler's fault, and on Radio Shack's part, foreseeable.


Mar 23, 2013
Mudhole, IN
Folks, before you get too critical of either Radio Shack or Whistler (especially Whistler), please remember that the Pro-668 came out close to the same time as Radio Shack was going mostly belly-up. Radios being sold right now might be existing stock in the warehouse, and it could be an orphan.

It may be the fraternal twin of the WS1080, but it's not exactly the same radio and firmware updates would require separate development effort from Whistler. Radio Shack would have to pay for this, and in Radio Shack's current circumstances I’m not holding my breath.

I too have a Pro-668, and it works nicely for what it is, but when I bought it, I did so with the understanding it could be an orphan.

If we're lucky enough to get a firmware update that's great, but we have to accept that it may not happen; that's hardly Whistler's fault, and on Radio Shack's part, foreseeable.
Well said!
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