PRO-96 firmware

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Feb 5, 2015
Mount Morris, Michigan
Quote from an old post on RR: CPU v 1.5 also resolved some issues in S.E. Michigan. Using a PRO-96, running in "Closed Mode", you would often hear some Talk-Groups that you did not have programmed. CPU v 1.5 fixed this.

I remember reading all of the posts back in 2008-2009 about the option to ship your Pro-96 to RS for a $100 upgrade to fix and issue that the Pro-96 wouldn't pick up a few talk groups in one area of the country and others having issues picking up TG's they didn't have programmed when in closed mode that you would hear anyway. I have a friend in Holly Michigan with CPU1.3 and some state police coms I think on TG 2008 comes in on TG 2000 which is a local police TG so if you have 2000 programmed in you get both and the CPU 1.5 upgrade fixed this issue. If you want to find more examples just google Radio Shack Pro-96 CPU upgrade.


I've had that problem on my Pro 106 several times but it's for ID's I do have programmed (i.e. I hear PD calls on an adjacent county's EMS TG) . Turning the radio off then back on seems to fix it (temporarily). I don't have any wildcards programmed in at all either.
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Nov 12, 2002
So you've never actually sent a Pro 96/2096 in yourself and had a chip upgraded? You're just going on something a bunch of people told you? In a court of law that's called hearsay which is of course inadmissible.

When I say can't be upgraded, I mean USER upgraded. I stated very early on that the chip can be replaced to upgrade it.

Funny how all these other posts are supporting what I say, but I'm still wrong that the DSP is the only thing that can be (user) updated.


Feb 5, 2015
Mount Morris, Michigan
When I say can't be upgraded, I mean USER upgraded. I stated very early on that the chip can be replaced to upgrade it.

Funny how all these other posts are supporting what I say, but I'm still wrong that the DSP is the only thing that can be (user) updated.

I never said anything about the DSP not being upgradeable. I've had DSP U1.4 for several years. I'd just never heard of the chip upgrade and I tend not to believe everything I read on the Internet without solid proof. I didn't mean to offend you and I apologize if I did.


Nov 12, 2002
Read the other posts if you want to see offensive. :wink: You aren't offending me at all. And I didn't mean to imply that anyone said the DSP is not upgradable - it is.

But, the chip upgrade was offered by GRE years ago. Why? Because of the one thing that has been my point all along - it's because the firmware is not user upgradable. DSP, yes. Firmware, no.

Or, for those who like to pick on bad terminology, "DSP firmware", yes. Operating firmware, no.

BTW, as the OP was asking about rebanding, and that is controlled by the firmware and not the DSP, I took it he was not talking about the DSP, but I seem to have to spell everything out so my posts aren't picked apart by the haters (not talking about you, Gen).
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