As per recommendation, I just got my hands on a tuned, aligned XTS5000 and programmed it with my company's channels. 90% of the time it works fine, but the other 10% the DPL squelch tends to go in and out on rx. I've included a recording of the radio doing this below. When I remove DPL squelch using monitor, I hear the audio loud and clear which leads me to believe it's not the carrier squelch. Additionally, other channels (NOAA WX) not using any squelch at all come through fine. I haven't tried PL channels yet. This is simple analog VHF, no encryption or digital.
I'm happy to provide a full codeplug, but the relevant settings are: Rx Unmute Delay is set to 1 - 0 ms. Unmute/mute is sent to And/Or. Squelch (Fine Tune) is set to 4. Rx emphasis is on. MDC is on but DOS is not. Is there something I'm missing in the programming?
I'm happy to provide a full codeplug, but the relevant settings are: Rx Unmute Delay is set to 1 - 0 ms. Unmute/mute is sent to And/Or. Squelch (Fine Tune) is set to 4. Rx emphasis is on. MDC is on but DOS is not. Is there something I'm missing in the programming?
Sequence 01.mp4