Program SD card (800)

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Database Admin
Feb 19, 2003
N.E. Kansas
The GRE 800 software has a format utility in the menu options. After that is done it should ask if you want to load it with the current database. Once all that is done you should be able to take it out and swap the other one back in.


Premium Subscriber
Jul 10, 2010
Victoria B.C. Canada
Just to second that I found the software formatted a 4 gig card and it worked fine, though the system seemed to initially to load a bit slower with the 4 gig card in the slot. Currently the 2 gig card I got with the unit is nowhere near full so I use it and keep the 4 in my SD drive for backup. Of course the copy straight to the SD card slot is much faster than going through the usb port to the card in the unit, but at my age getting that tiny card out and back in is so much work for me that I'd rather take the speed penalty. There's still 1.9 gigs free since I only have 2 virtual scanner files and have done no recording.


Dec 19, 2002
Southwest Florida
So do you take out the original card out first then put the card you want to copy in?or do you stick it in the computer?


Database Admin
Feb 19, 2003
N.E. Kansas
You can do both. The software will pop up a box pointing to the card and asks you if that's the one you want to use.


Dec 19, 2002
Southwest Florida
I programmed radio with card that it came with using EZ Scan,and yes EZ Scan has a copy of radios configuration.


Silent Key
Dec 19, 2002
Supply (Lockwood Inlet area), NC
ok -

Insert the new SD card into your PC or external SD card reader on the PC

Start the EZ Scan app

In the EZ Scan app "Scanner/SD Card" menu, select "Prepare Scanner Memory/SD card for use"

Follow the instructions on the screen

Make sure the correct drive is highlighted (the one with the SD card in it).

Check the box that says "Copy Library files to SD Card after format"

The "Use Quick Format Option" checked. I usually uncheck this.

Press the "Format" button - you'll get a warning/prompt to confirm the formatting.

If you're sure you've selected the correct drive/SD card, press the "Yes" button. A DOS/Command prompt window will open. You need to confirm in the window you want to proceed (press the ENTER key to continue).

Let the format run -- it will show you the progress.

When the format is complete, the DOS/Command prompt will close and EZ Scan will popup another window showing the library files being copied to the SD card.

When the copy is complete, press the "Close" button on the format popup.

To copy your VFolder(s), select "Copy Configuration to Scanner Memory/SD Card" in the "Scanner/SD Card" menu.

Confirm the overwrite warning (you aren't overwriting anything - you just formatted the SD card).

Select/confirm the newly formatted SD card is selected in the "Select SD Card...." popup.

A window will popup showing the Vfolders that you have programmed. Select the ones you want to copy to the SD card (solid dots in the first column are the ones you will be copying to the SD card).

Press the "Copy Folders" button. The copy will start.

When the copy finishes a "Complete" dialog box will appear. Press the "OK" button.

Close EZ Scan.

Release the SD card (using the MS Windows to "Safely Release Hardware and Eject Media", etc.).

Remove the SD card from the PC.

Make sure the radio is powered off

Carefully remove the current SD card from the radio

Carefully insert the new SD card.

Power the radio up and make sure the card formatting and copying worked.

Last edited:


Dec 19, 2002
Southwest Florida
So why does the radio have to be off if I am just copying off the EZ Scan to the new card?Am I using the cable to?


Silent Key
Dec 19, 2002
Supply (Lockwood Inlet area), NC
I edited and removed that step - I incorrectly started assuming you were going to program the existing card vs. the new card....

However, it's very important that you turn off the radio before removing the battery case to access the SD card when you get to that point.


Premium Subscriber
Jul 10, 2010
Victoria B.C. Canada
ALOT faster removing the SD card and inserting it into an external card reader (vs. using the cable)

I am sure this would be true if I were, oh, say twenty years younger. And had fingernails of any length. As it is I am 67 with weakish eyes and fumbley fingers and no fingernails to speak of. I cut them as short as possible so I won't chew them as I used to do in my schoolboy days to the opprobrium of a number of teachers and my parents, as a result of which I took to cutting them as short as possible to kick the habit. This worked, but as a consequence I just can't stand to have fingernails that are long enough to do much useful except a bit of scratching from time to time.

So, as a result, I just cannot get the danged micro sd card out with my hands, I have to use a screwdriver or something. And then it always pops right out and sails in a graceful arc to land somewhere on my dark brown carpet, shiny side down. Did I mention I have weakish eye site?

So then after I retrieve it, plug it into the adapter for my regular SD slot, and plug the SD adapter into the slot mostly by feel then yes, the copy goes a lot faster. However then I have to extract it again, although I can (after a few tries) usually extract the micro sd card from the adapter with my hands, do you think I can just stick the thing back in the 800? Nope. I can push it in with my fingers but can't get it seated and it just pops back up. So I have to use the screwdriver tip again, and maybe half the time I still fail and the micro sd card does another graceful arc to the carpet.

So all in all, if you don't mind, I'll just copy my changes via the silly old usb cable. Then to the spare micro sd I keep in the computer slot as an extra backup. I worked in I.T. for twenty years and I DO my backups, believe me I do.

By the way I also have a GSP with a micro sd card slot, but Garmin have it set up so I can remove it with my fingers as they are rather easily. Maybe GRE could test their products with a few old folks when they do their next design with a micro sd card in it. The demographic is getting older and older and us old folks are gonna be a big part of the market for the next twenty or thirty years or so, and we're only gonna get even more grouchy.


Premium Subscriber
Nov 6, 2006
Phoenix, AZ
....................................., I have to use a screwdriver or something. .......................................

Tip of box cutter. Also works perfect for opening the plastic flap/plug to charge a cellphone. Also, that chip in the radio can fly out without you knowing, until you find out that the radio won't work, lol.


Silent Key
Dec 19, 2002
Supply (Lockwood Inlet area), NC
Tip of box cutter. Also works perfect for opening the plastic flap/plug to charge a cellphone. Also, that chip in the radio can fly out without you knowing, until you find out that the radio won't work, lol.

I used to use my wife's fingernail file because it was always handy -- until she saw me using it. :lol: NOW, I simply use the pointy edge of the radio's battery cover - very convenient!

And oh yeah - I didn't mention - to remove the SD card it just take a VERY slight "push" inward to release the card - it then will "spring" outward towards you.... and I've had it "shoot" out once or twice until I got use it - carefully remove... Insert is similar - set the card in the slot and give it a VERY slight "push" in until it clicks and locks in place.

Everything is easier after you do it the first time!


Silent Key
Dec 19, 2002
Supply (Lockwood Inlet area), NC
I am sure this would be true if I were, oh, say twenty years younger. ...

Keep in mind you do not have to remove the card -- you CAN use the supplied power/programming cable to do all of this -- it just takes a little bit longer for the bits to transfer across the wire. I'm sure this is the intended/designed way things should really be used.

The SD removal steps are only necessary if you have very little patience (that's me!) and/or you need to use an alternate SD card (test a backup card, etc.)

For many reasons, you're probably better off not removing the card if you really don't have to - it's just an option.



Premium Subscriber
Nov 6, 2006
Phoenix, AZ
............................ to remove the SD card it just take a VERY slight "push" inward to release the card .................................................

Hmmm, don't know if I ever tried the "push in" first? Thanks for the tip!
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