I know this thread is semi-old, and I'm sorry for bumping it, but I have a couple words to say.
First, I'd like to say thanks to Mike for his praise of ProLink 1.0 (
http://www.antistatic.org), of which I am the author.
Second, today I decided to research Radio Shack's DBF (dBase III) format that it uses for the "Scanner Loader" program (
http://support.radioshack.com/Download/software/200-0048.exe), which is how I stumbled upon this thread. I downloaded the program, and it "runs" on XP, but I did not test uploading. I may have, if I felt like spending a couple hours doing nothing. The interface is *horrible*. I say that both as a user and a computer scientist. I added a frequency and went to add another one and instead it edited my first one! My purpose for doing this was to learn more about the dBase format and also see how RS's software uses it.
My original intention was to implement an "Import" feature into ProLink, for people wishing to convert between the RS application and ProLink (regardless of if there will be anyone actually using it or not..). This made me start thinking about *other* Radio Shack scanner programming software. I am wondering if they, too, use the dBase III format, and if so, would a "converter" program be of use to anyone?
Lastly, I would like to mention that a new (still free, with source code) version of ProLink (v1.1) will be available shortly. I very highly recommend it over the Radio Shack software. Scanners supported are the Pro-64, Pro-76, Pro-79, Pro-82, Pro-89, Pro-2016, Pro-2017, and Pro-2041. I will submit another post on the RS forum, and probably one on the Scanning Software forum when the release happens. In the meantime, spread the word!