Proposal for a new function in FW and Sentinel software for X36 and SDS scanners

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Mar 18, 2007
I would like to see in the new version of Sentinel and FW for x36 and SDS scanners the possibility of programming analog frequencies in the Motorola Trunk system, which are used by various companies within the system for coordination with other services.
I consider it nonsense to program analog frequencies in the CAP+ system separately into another conventional system. The scanner thus does not perform the role of a scanner. Don't you think?
I know that something would have to be done for this matter, but maybe that's what it's about?
Is it possible and realistic?


Monitoring since 1982, using radios since 1991.
Premium Subscriber
Dec 18, 2002
Indianapolis, IN
Sorry, but what you ask makes no sense whatsoever. Even in an actual system radio, the conventional part is in a seperate zone from the actual Capacity Plus Trunking area. It is technically still part of the Cap + profile, but is not part of the trunking. And analog is not in the profile at all. Analog is completely seperate functionality. Have you ever actually checked out or used an say XPR radio? Check the codeplug in CPS, and you will quickly see what I mean. You can have conventional DMR in the Cap + profile, but NOT analog. In some multisite, and in Cap Max, you can even add in linked IP Site Connected conventional DMR in the profile, but it is in seperate zones from the trunking. But again, analog is an entirely different profile. (EDIT: At least in my experience, I can't find a way in CPS to add analog into the Cap+ profile on my radios. XPR3500, and XPR3500E)
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Mar 18, 2007
It makes sense.
The CAP+ system, which is in my area, has 2 more simplex frequencies for its converters (for analog and DMR), which I cannot monitor within one system and I have to pointlessly create a conventional system and enter those channels there. I am not interested in the capabilities of Motorola radios in scan mode on the XPR/DP36xx/DP48xx.
I'm talking about the scanner.
I mean modification for Mototrbo trunk system
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Premium Subscriber
Dec 3, 2012
Gettysburg, PA & Fenwick Island, DE
“Pointlessly create a conventional system” … doesn’t seem pointless if you actually want to receive those channels. There are parameters at system level that are not compatible between trunked and conventional.

It’s not like your scanner can’t scan both types of systems at same time.


Premium Subscriber
Jan 21, 2002
Chicago , IL
I would like to see in the new version of Sentinel and FW for x36 and SDS scanners the possibility of programming analog frequencies in the Motorola Trunk system, which are used by various companies within the system for coordination with other services.
I consider it nonsense to program analog frequencies in the CAP+ system separately into another conventional system. The scanner thus does not perform the role of a scanner. Don't you think?
I know that something would have to be done for this matter, but maybe that's what it's about?
Is it possible and realistic?
In one of my Cap+ Trunking Systems, they utilize a Conventional DMR channel which is Channel-7 on their radios. The workaround I use us to create a new system (in this case DMR One Frequency Trunk), program all the necessary parameters, then assign the Quick Key the same as the trunking system. I use the same Favorite List and System Quick Key and it works.


LMR Explorer
Premium Subscriber
Jul 16, 2006
Philly burbs 🇺🇸
There haven't been any "new functions" implemented into Sentinel, x36s or SDS since Paul Opitz's passing back in 2019. Uniden seems to be shifting their focus onto other projects. I wouldn't hold my breath waiting on improvements to the "old"
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Premium Subscriber
Jan 21, 2002
Chicago , IL
There haven't been any "new functions" implemented into Sentinel, x36s or SDS since Paul Opitz's passing back in 2019. Uniden seems to be shifting their focus onto other projects. I wouldn't hold my breath waiting on improvements to the "old"
Now hold on there, we're being told a new firmware is in beta testing and the promise of "more to come". Based on what I'm reading, no issues were being reported initially, and now "certain talkgroups aren't being received". I seem to recall with beta releases that UPMan let us tinker with, we saw this same problem and has the signs and symptoms of a Sub CPU control channel decoding issues that had to be corrected prior to public release. Cap+ decoding was quite a challenge in it's early days. Don't be a hater.. :LOL:


Premium Subscriber
Jun 13, 2002
I think that what the OP is asking for is something like the Objected Oriented Scanning system that GRE developed. In a system like the Mass. State Police where they primarily use trunking but still have some conventional 800 and low band channels it was easy to build the trunk system and put the TGs and conventional channels in the same "List."

Arguably that was the best feature of those scanners. I forget what their equivalent to Start Up Keys was, but it was nice to only have TGs I wanted to listen to in certain areas and be able to mix those with conventional channels as well.

Unless Uniden can buy or license the IP from Whistler it's neve going to happen. I think the likelihood of Whistler selling or licensing it is pretty low. Unless they decide to get out of scanners altogether. Even at that, it would require major redesign of the existing scanner products by Uniden.

It would be nice, but I'm not holding my breath.

I do the same as do you. I have the MSP trunk and conventional channels in separate systems, but are in the same FL with the same System QKs so functionally it's just one entity.

In one of my Cap+ Trunking Systems, they utilize a Conventional DMR channel which is Channel-7 on their radios. The workaround I use us to create a new system (in this case DMR One Frequency Trunk), program all the necessary parameters, then assign the Quick Key the same as the trunking system. I use the same Favorite List and System Quick Key and it works.


Nov 13, 2004
I think that what the OP is asking for is something like the Objected Oriented Scanning system that GRE developed. In a system like the Mass. State Police where they primarily use trunking but still have some conventional 800 and low band channels it was easy to build the trunk system and put the TGs and conventional channels in the same "List."

Arguably that was the best feature of those scanners. I forget what their equivalent to Start Up Keys was, but it was nice to only have TGs I wanted to listen to in certain areas and be able to mix those with conventional channels as well.

Unless Uniden can buy or license the IP from Whistler it's neve going to happen. I think the likelihood of Whistler selling or licensing it is pretty low. Unless they decide to get out of scanners altogether. Even at that, it would require major redesign of the existing scanner products by Uniden.

It would be nice, but I'm not holding my breath.

I do the same as do you. I have the MSP trunk and conventional channels in separate systems, but are in the same FL with the same System QKs so functionally it's just one entity.

Your first paragraph was answered by your last sentence.


Premium Subscriber
Jun 13, 2002
It's a work around, but like most work arounds it's sub optimal in solving the issue. Again, though I don't expect Uniden to solve what they don't consider an issue as their design is their design.

Your first paragraph was answered by your last sentence.


Mar 18, 2007
I would solve this by creating a new FL with all CAP+ system frequencies including both simplex analog and simplex DMR channels. The problem is that there is no option to stop the scan with a single key or F+ key on a specific FL.

This only goes to System, Dept, Channel within FL.

This is not possible without going back to the scanner menu and disabling the other FLs.

A little complicated for a specific event in terms of time.

Am I missing the Sentinel feature or I don't know about it?
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Premium Subscriber
Jun 13, 2002
That won't work as there is no way to mix and match in a trunk system. If you enter frequencies that are not part of the trunk system, the scanner won't stop on them.

If you are in ID Search mode the scanner will stop on any active TG that the Control Channel enables. If you are in ID Scan mode, the scanner will stop only on TGs that are programmed in. The scanner doesn't search frequencies at random. It sits on the Control Channel and reads the data. Again depending on ID Search versus ID Scan what you hear will vary.

What you won't hear is simplex DMR or simplex analog.

This work around is to create a FL with the Cap+ trunk in one system, and any conventional channels in another. It's not ideal, but it's the only way that you can mix and match.
I would solve this by creating a new FL with all CAP+ system frequencies including both simplex analog and simplex DMR channels. The problem is that there is no option to stop the scan with a single key or F+ key on a specific FL.

This only goes to System, Dept, Channel within FL.

This is not possible without going back to the scanner menu and disabling the other FLs.

A little complicated for a specific event in terms of time.

Am I missing the Sentinel feature or I don't know about it?


Up North
Sep 14, 2021
North of Hwy 8
...This is not possible without going back to the scanner menu and disabling the other FLs. ...

The closest you can get is by assigning FLQK's to your favorites lists and just disable the lists by their numbers and the enter key while you're in scan mode. It makes it operate like a bank on older scanners or a scan list on the GRE (and descendants) object oriented scanners. No menus required after you do it. It's not a single button process like the older scanners were, but it does work and I set mine up like my PRO-96 without any issues.
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