psr 500 programming question

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Aug 22, 2008
Fremont NE
hello, ive got a question about a nearby p25 trunking system. the ORION in douglas county nebraska to be exact. there is 1 set of talkgroups (oppd) i want with 5 different sites that all use those talkgroups.
when programming, do i need to create 5 different systems in the psr 500 for those 5 sites? OR, can i just put all the control channel frequencies in 1 system, and it will just pick up on the closest site? or will it still scan the 5 different sites?


Sep 15, 2003
Oakland County Michigan
hello, ive got a question about a nearby p25 trunking system. the ORION in douglas county nebraska to be exact. there is 1 set of talkgroups (oppd) i want with 5 different sites that all use those talkgroups.
when programming, do i need to create 5 different systems in the psr 500 for those 5 sites? OR, can i just put all the control channel frequencies in 1 system, and it will just pick up on the closest site? or will it still scan the 5 different sites?

Either method will work based on what you posted.

Using the 5 TSYS method, you can easily turn a site on or off. The drawback is that you have to duplicate the TGRP objects for each site.

Using the single TSYS method, you can use the multi-site settings in the TSYS to suit your listening preference.

Using Multi-Site STAT will force the scanner to check all active control channels in the TSYS for activity on your programmed talkgroups. The option to check all sites will modify the way this mode works. If this option is off, only one control channel will be checked on each pass through the TSYS object, however it will be a different control channel each time. If the Check all sites option is turned on, all control channels in the TSYS will be checked on each pass through the TSYS object instead of just one.

Using Multi-Site ROAM mode, you can set the receive threshholds you want to determine which site to monitor. When the radio enters the TSYS for the first time, it will scan through all control channels looking for one with a data decode rate of at least the Threshhold High value. When it finds one, it will stay on that control channel for each subsequent pass until the decode rate drops below the Threshhold Low value, at which time the process will start again.

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