PSR-500 Text Tag Question

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Premium Subscriber
Feb 8, 2003
Royal Oak, MI
How do you add a text tag to a scan list? Entering a text tag to an individual frequency is easy, BUT, how is this done to text tag a list (or bank of frequencies) ??


Jun 17, 2003
Franktown, CO
rivermersey said:
How do you add a text tag to a scan list? Entering a text tag to an individual frequency is easy, BUT, how is this done to text tag a list (or bank of frequencies) ??
PGM GLOB (F3). Scroll down to the "Scan Lists" item and press SEL. Scroll down to the Scan List entry whose tag you want to change, and press the RIGHT ARROW key. You're now in that Scan List's menu, where you can change its tag.

Be advised, however, that the Scan List alpha tag will never appear anywhere but in those two menus above and in external PC software (e.g. Win500 or PSREdit). It won't appear on the LCD while the radio is scanning.


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Premium Subscriber
Mar 10, 2005
It would be nice it GRE could upgrade the firmware to make it display the scanlist instead if the Trunk System or conv. Alpha Tag as it scans........kinda like the Pro 97.


Jun 17, 2003
Franktown, CO
bubbaearle said:
It would be nice it GRE could upgrade the firmware to make it display the scanlist instead if the Trunk System or conv. Alpha Tag as it scans........kinda like the Pro 97.
EDIT: Oh, maybe you're referring to the text that appears on the PRO-97 while actually scanning, and not "stopped" on something? If so, I think the PSR-500 eliminates that display because it's not really scanning "scan lists" like the PRO-97 is scanning "banks".

How do you make your PRO-97 show you the bank tag while scanning? If I'm monitoring a trunked system, my PRO-97 shows me the CC's alpha tag on line 3 and the talkgroup's tag on line 4. If I'm monitoring a conventional channel, I see the channel's tag on line 3 - line 4 either shows the CTCSS/DCS info (if any) or is blank.

Personally, I like the fact that the PSR-500 shows me the TSYS tag. I have a scan list that contains TGRPs from multiple TSYSs. If the radio showed me the scan list tag instead of the TSYS tag, I wouldn't know which TSYS was "active" when the radio stopped on a "Police Dispatch" TGRP - I'd have to put system-identifying info in the TGRP tag.

Also, we must keep in mind that objects (e.g. TGRPs and CONVs) can belong to multiple scan lists. If I had a CONV object in 5 scan lists and all 5 lists were enabled for scanning, which scan list tag should the radio "choose"?
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Completely Banned for the Greater Good
Premium Subscriber
Feb 3, 2001
Lansing, MI
bubbaearle said:
It would be nice it GRE could upgrade the firmware to make it display the scanlist instead if the Trunk System or conv. Alpha Tag as it scans........kinda like the Pro 97.

It doesn't "scan" a scanlist though. If my talkgroup is in SL1 and SL7, which one should it display?


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Premium Subscriber
Mar 10, 2005
I like the way the tags for Conv & TSYS are done, I have no problem with that - it's just while scanning I have the issue.

When you enable an inactive bank on the Pro 97 it starts scanning & shows that Bank Tag immediately. The PSR 500 just shows a blur of Object tags as it scans.

I still sort my objects into Scanlists pretty much the same way I'd set up a Bank on my Pro 97, just without all the wasted memory space.

When I enable a Scanlist I want to see "X County" or "Y Trunk System" or "Z City"

With 20 scanlists (banks - whatever) it would be nice if it showed what Scanlist was being scanned / were activated.

Is that clear as mud?


Completely Banned for the Greater Good
Premium Subscriber
Feb 3, 2001
Lansing, MI
It can't show a scanlist as it's being scanned. It doesn't scan a scanlist like any other radio.

Let's say I have Y Trunk System with fire in scanlist 1, EMS in SL 2, then conventional fire in SL3, and back to Y'town's police in scanlist 9. When the radio is monitoring Y Trunk's control channel, it is looking for ID's in SL1/2/9 AT THE SAME TIME. So what would it show you?


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Premium Subscriber
Mar 10, 2005
rdale said:
It can't show a scanlist as it's being scanned. It doesn't scan a scanlist like any other radio.

Let's say I have Y Trunk System with fire in scanlist 1, EMS in SL 2, then conventional fire in SL3, and back to Y'town's police in scanlist 9. When the radio is monitoring Y Trunk's control channel, it is looking for ID's in SL1/2/9 AT THE SAME TIME. So what would it show you?

Mine will not show scanlist tag either......I aint saying it will.

I wish it would show Y'town Fire for SL 1, Y'town EMS for SL 2 & Y'town PD for SL 9

When those TGID's / conv channels open it ought to show what it already does.....just during the scanning should it show scanlist tags.

I think most folks program like me......still used to the bank system.....GRE just made it easier with less wasted space.


Completely Banned for the Greater Good
Premium Subscriber
Feb 3, 2001
Lansing, MI
I'd like to see the scanlist tag show up when you select them on the keypad for scanning, maybe for a second or two to remind you what you pressed, but I just don't think you're following the scan strategy it uses if you keep asking for the display during scanning :>
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