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Nov 8, 2023
I’m looking for some help on my qcII setup. During a tone out, the radio makes its own beeps when a call comes out. These beeps block the some of the tone and voice from dispatcher and continues to beep until I press ptt button. Anyway to disable this and automatically reset itself after the dispatcher is done? Using an XPR3500e with cps 2.0


Active Member
Mar 14, 2004
We moved on past QCII when the last agency I had went to the Trbo radios, but that specific problem is solved in the HT/CDM line by making sure "Alert Tone Auto Reset" and "(?Alert Tone?) with Voice Override" is selected. I don't know where it would be in CPS2.0, sorry.
Nov 8, 2023
It was originally selected as voice w/override but I changed and waiting for some tones to see if it works lol. Although if it’s meant to be on voice w/override then I don’t know why it’s not working


Active Member
Mar 14, 2004
It was originally selected as voice w/override but I changed and waiting for some tones to see if it works lol. Although if it’s meant to be on voice w/override then I don’t know why it’s not working
Verify those two settings, and then see if that helps. What you are describing is exactly what the home-gamers used to complain about when they were setting up their ebay radios on our system at the time.
Nov 8, 2023
Ok I will verify thanks
Also, would it be possible to scan a qc2 channel and another and give priority to the qc channel when the tones drop?

Also, just to clarify, I should have the auto reset timer checked, and the voice w/override checked, correct?
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Nov 8, 2023
Ok so i have voice w/carrier override set and had already had the auto reset timer set for 10 seconds so that doesnt seem to help


Active Member
Mar 14, 2004
link to a recent post of mine, that had some pix from the HT/CDM CPS. We never used QCII on the XPRs we went to, and I didn't ever field any radios with that CPS...so I'm just relaying what familiarity I had with older radios.

Does the alerting stop after 10 seconds? If it does, it is working correctly...try setting it lower than that, i vaguely recall ours being 1. I can find an old codeplug in the archives if I must.
Nov 8, 2023
thanks, last question lol.
if i have more then one qc2 channel setup and they are in one zone, do i have to turn on scan for that zone if i want to hear the tones if they drop for each channel?
Nov 8, 2023
link to a recent post of mine, that had some pix from the HT/CDM CPS. We never used QCII on the XPRs we went to, and I didn't ever field any radios with that CPS...so I'm just relaying what familiarity I had with older radios.

Does the alerting stop after 10 seconds? If it does, it is working correctly...try setting it lower than that, i vaguely recall ours being 1. I can find an old codeplug in the archives if I must.
the alerting stops and the tones stop but the radio still makes its beeps and doesnt reset until hitting the ptt button


Lots and lots of watts
Premium Subscriber
Dec 5, 2008
Calif Whine Country
Walk this way...

General>General Settings>Alerts>Call Alert Tone Duration. Use the help to explain.

You can use a QCII channel in scan with the QCII as priority but understand it may not be 100% reliable and that depends on many things.
Scanning two QCII channels is a shipwreck and I advise against it. You can have two or three tone sets in a single channel. Depends on your actual tones and the tone format you choose.
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Nov 8, 2023
I use a-b long b format. with fire the second part of the tone is continous and for ems its more of a beep beep for the second part of the tone. Can i combine ems and fire into one?
Nov 8, 2023
Walk this way...

General>General Settings>Alerts>Call Alert Tone Duration. Use the help to explain.

You can use a QCII channel in scan with the QCII as priority but understand it may not be 100% reliable and that depends on many things.
Scanning two QCII channels is a shipwreck and I advise against it. You can have two or three tone sets in a single channel. Depends on your actual tones and the tone format you choose.
i also see the call alert tone duration is set to infinite. this is what i was looking for. thank you


Lots and lots of watts
Premium Subscriber
Dec 5, 2008
Calif Whine Country
Not really. Two tone sequential is two different tones. The A tone is sent for one second and B tone is sent for three seconds without any gap. This would be your EMS tones? One long continuous tone of eight seconds is a group tone and this is what fire uses?
If EMS is a two tone sequential *AND* the b tone matches the fire continuous single tone then yes the two can be in the same channel using the format you mentioned A-B/Long B.

I'm not sure what the beep beep is.
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Nov 8, 2023
The A tone is the same, but the B tone is diff for fire and ems. I believe they are both 2 tone just each one has a diff b tone


Lots and lots of watts
Premium Subscriber
Dec 5, 2008
Calif Whine Country
Copy that. OK, A tone is common between the two. Set the format as A-B/A-C. Put the common tone in A. Put the B tone for one in the B slot. Put the B tone for the other in the C slot. See? Clear as mud.
Nov 8, 2023
Awesome, i got it. I got that in, and will post once we get some tones and we'll see if it works; i think it will
Nov 8, 2023
Also what’s the std, mute, unmute setting? Should it be configured a certain way? Not really sure I understand what it is


Lots and lots of watts
Premium Subscriber
Dec 5, 2008
Calif Whine Country
Configures how the speaker mutes/unmutes using PL/DPL. I just leave it on STD UNMUTE.

Unmute Rule
Sets the rule that determines when the radio unmutes its speaker to receive audio or data. This is a channel-wide feature.
Std Unmute, MuteUnmutes when a proper Private Line (PL) code is detected, and mutes on the loss of the PL code.
And Unmute, MuteUnmutes when a proper Private Line (PL) code and a Carrier Squelch is detected, and mutes on the loss of the PL code.
And Unmute, Or MuteUnmutes when a proper Private Line (PL) code and a Carrier Squelch is detected, and mutes on the loss of the proper PL code, or the loss of the Carrier Squelch.
  • The Receive Squelch Type feature is not set to Carrier Squelch (CSQ).
  • This feature is applicable to MOTOTRBO Conventional radios in Analog mode and 3600 Trunking capable radios in Conventional mode only.
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