There is a lot more encryption coming to TRWC
Have you heard of any other departments going fully encrypted, like very soon ? I was about to get another scanner but if they are all going encrypted I’ll probably save my spare change.
There is a lot more encryption coming to TRWC
Yea and all their grand opening media talks about community openness ect ect.IMHO, they could've kept dispatch open, TAC encrypted. Was longing to find out their units tonight, etc.
I heard through the grapevine that Mesa Police are considering going totally encrypted; there was an article from maybe late spring/early summer.Have you heard of any other departments going fully encrypted, like very soon ? I was about to get another scanner but if they are all going encrypted I’ll probably save my spare change.
I heard through the grapevine that Mesa Police are considering going totally encrypted; there was an article from maybe late spring/early summer.
Ha - was just reading that article. From what it sounds like they are “thinking” about going fully encrypted. Sounds like nothing is exactly set in stone yet. Lots of hints that they “might” be going encrypted. Phoenix, Gilbert, Peoria, AJ, Glendale and tons of other PD’s out here are all still in the clear ( but a lot of them have encrypted side channels for major incidences etc ). I think it’s gonna stay that way and least for the time being.
Then we have DPS - which is still mostly on an analog UHF system ( but if it works well for them - why change it I guess ).
Been an AZ resident for about 5 years now and in that time I think the only department that had a major radio change was Casa Grande. They went from an old VHF analog channel to a fully encrypted Phase 2 network. Come to think of it - a LOT of rural PD’s here in AZ are still mostly VHF analog.
Other than the added expense, there's no compelling reason that agencies today should not leverage the technology and go completely encrypted. What's the point in having this expensive technology and not using it to its fullest capability? A handful of scanner hobbyists whining about transparency is not even close to sufficient to justify keeping radios in the clear. Transparency of an agency has never been achieved nor prevented as a result of monitoring radio traffic. It's incredibly naive' to think an agency is "transparent" because you can hear their radio traffic - radio traffic that represents about 10% of their true activity.
Stories abound of suspects using the police scanner app to monitor police activity to further their nefarious acts. There's just way more negative things than positive things that can come from people indiscriminately listening to public safety radio traffic. You can thank the developers of the scanner app and all its feed providers for accelerating this discussion.
Hey, I'm a scanner hobbyist too and have a lot of money tied up in radios that will become fancy paperweights pretty soon. I sorely miss the days when you could listen to the Phoenix hot channel on 154.89, but times have changed. If you could open your mind and think about it from the perspective of the public safety official I'm sure you would gain a better understanding.