I've built a couple of pretty effective MW/BC killers over the years in cheap aluminum cases. The caps are the only thing that I had to buy, everything else was in my junk drawers. I'm so old and been messing with this stuff so long I have multiple junk drawers and boxes of stuff.
I wish I could point you to the exact circuit I used, but it's been a long time and they were potted, so I can't tell you what's in them, but I got them online like 15 years ago. I made both low pass and bandpass filters. I needed them just to listen to any lower SW because I had a nearby station that had ground issues and it literally got into all my HF stuff due to the crazy high signals that came from the high tension wires that passed close to the station's antenna, and across the street from me. Just me walking towards any of my radios without an antenna attached was enough to get an S-9 reading on the meters, and if I took my finger and got it within about 6", it would peg it at +60 over. Even my best receivers had country music playing in the background or worse, the beat of the music was like some sort of hash. I called and called to complain, but I had to wait until they redid the antenna setup and the signal dropped to "only" about +50 over on my slinky dipole. The filters took care of that level signal fine, no more "K100" on even my Yaesu FRG-8800.