Not sure about King, but I know Kitsap dispatches on the same basic criteria system that it derived from King County. It is also possible that BLS are being directly dispatched to a private company which would make for a much better "looking" average, but in reality its a sham number, and it is possible that ALS is being dispatched by the dispatch center. Kitsap has an overall 2008 or 2009 (cant remember which year) average of around 2min for ALL fire calls, although almost every call actually goes from received to dispatched in less then 10sec. The high average comes from a fire agency that requests that we hold certain calls. I wouldn't put a ton of faith in the average time numbers you see from any dispatch center, there is WAY to many ways to skew them, even by accident or just because one agency doesn't want to play the same way as the rest of the group.