48 chs a4?
From you channel number, and that you have a display, am I correct in assuming
you have an A4?
For what it's worth a few of my standard VHF favorites include:
Noaa WX channels
Your statewide interagency VHF PD and Fire channels
Hospital ER Net (amublances contact ER's with info on incoming patients)
Marine channels (16, 21, 22, 68, 69, are some of my favorites)
Local 2m ham repeaters.
Filling up your radio should be a snap! Just poke around here.
Also, congrats on your apparently new acquisition. I've had my MT2000 A7 VHF for about 1 year now, and I just love it. 137-174 or so with one ht and one antenna. I highly
reccomend one of the Moto broadband VHF antennas. Just poke around ebay. It looks similar to the dipole 800mhz ht antenna, just a little fatter.