Quickest Way to get a HackRF up and running on OS X (El Capitan)

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Nov 18, 2010
Levittown, NY
This is the quickest way I've found to get the HackRF One up and running on OS X El Capitan. Most of this can be ran unattended, overnight. Just make sure that you turn off any power saving mode during the install process. It took me for ever to compile gcc5 because I kept on letting my computer fall asleep.

Assuming that you have to do all of these from scratch, it's going to take about 7GB of disk space to install of these things. It should also be noted that I did these steps on an 12" Macbook @ 1.3 GHz. So if I can do it, you can do it also.

  • Install Mac Ports (This will take about 10 - 50 minutes)
  • Install GNURadio (This will take about 6 hours)
    • sudo port install gnuradio
  • Install GR-Osmocon (This will take about 20 minutes)
    • sudo port install gr-osmosdr +full
    • sudo port install gr-fosphor
  • Install Balint's GnuRadio OOT Modules (This will take about 5 minutes)
    • sudo port install gr-baz
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