@kruser - Good question
Without the battery installed on the R30, it pulled 5.05v and never more than 0.25 Amps when connected via USB battery. I just tested while monitoring a constant FM signal, GPS on, recording off, backlight on, Bluetooth off, volume on max. I expect amp draw would increase a bit with BT and recording on, but I doubt it draws over 0.50 Amps with everything going.
With the R30 battery connected and while monitoring a constant FM signal, GPS on, recording off, backlight on, Bluetooth off, volume on max it actually pulled around 0.64 Amps at most as it was simultaneously charging the battery.
With the R30 off and only charging via USB, it did not pull more than 0.5A. It was around 0.48 amps to start and then kept dropping down to around 0.36 amps within a few minutes.
* If the USB battery, or PC USB port, does not provide at least 1 Ah, I recommend just charging and not powering at the same time.
@G7RUX - I blame my lack of sleep as to missing your very clear point of not having the battery connected.