Hi guys,
Take it from a "professional" Amateur Radio operator, you're way off base. A discone is an extremely wideband receiving antenna and resonant on Amateur 2M and 70cM bands so it can transmit using low power. No snake oil, we use antenna grease to make the electrons slide down the coax.
Speaking of coax, next to expensive special stuff and hardline Belden 9913 gives lowest loss for the price. Height is might so when it comes to VHF/UHF antennas do a Squint Eastwood on them, Hang 'Em High.
To use one or more rigs on one antenna and vice-versa use a coaxial switch designed for HF/UHF and nothing else or you'll run into loads of problems. For one thing those passive splitters use F connectors that won't fit on 9913 without adapters and each output port provides 3db loss of signal and that is exactly half of what went in. 2 output ports are bad enough but with 4 you end up with 1/4 the signal you started with at each port. Forget about isolation when you can't hear much to begin with. A T connector will split the signal alright but couple the receivers together as well so the LO in one will be heard in the other sounding like a popping noise as channels are scanned. Then there is a bad impedance mismatch all the way around like a resistor netork gone wild, huge signal loss is the result.
BTW, a neat trick is using RG-6U low loss 75 ohm CATV coax the cable companies use for drop lines and in house wiring. An installer likely has some spool ends he will toss your way rather than have them end up in the dumpster or you can rip down some unused lines like I did off the apartment building I used to live in. You have to use crimp on F connectors and adapters but if you get it for nothing the advantage is obvious. Neither the scanner nor the antenna mind the impedance mismatch, transmitting with it gives only a 1.5:1 SWR which amounts to practically nothing.