Oh my. Sifting through some old junk I came across a radio I forgot I even had. Put the juice to it and only flaw was no backlight so tore it apart hoping for a fix.
A switch transitor has failed. While it was apart, I moded the TX frequency to cover 136 to 174. tested it and works fine. stuffed a couple repeater channels into it, that works good too. Crying shame it only has 10 memory channels. Maybe I can find a larger eeprom and upgrade it.
Mic is in sad shape but works, now looking for a new mic. An oldie but goodie.
A switch transitor has failed. While it was apart, I moded the TX frequency to cover 136 to 174. tested it and works fine. stuffed a couple repeater channels into it, that works good too. Crying shame it only has 10 memory channels. Maybe I can find a larger eeprom and upgrade it.
Mic is in sad shape but works, now looking for a new mic. An oldie but goodie.