I'm not positive, but I think the Swiss still have their very large bunkers, it was apparently their policy to shelter their entire population, and although downsized, I understand it is still very credible.
What's it like to go inside what was once the biggest civilian bunker in the world?
In the US people that sell shelters gravitate towards the very high quality Swiss air systems because of the Swiss bomb shelter reputation.
In the U.S. although the shelters are frequently touted as fallout shelters, they are more likely to be used for storm shelters. A tornado with 250+ MPH winds will destroy almost all above ground houses (although there are safe rooms designed to protect occupants in those situations). and after everything is said and done, they can provide a place to live while trying to rebuild.
This company is one of those that make shelters for various purposes.
Atlas proudly presents a Catalog of groundbreaking innovations in survival shelters, revolutionizing the industry with their exceptional features and functionality.
Since root cellars aren't popular anymore, some people feel the need for the equivalent space to store - - whatever - - guns, wine, snacks, in laws (they can be used as a guest room sometimes).
Although Conelrad is gone, the government has NOAA weather radio that can transmit emergency messages, as well as they can take over all of the local TV and radio channels to broadcast alerts and warnings of various types all the way down to Amber alerts (abducted child), if they have enough information they put it out and everyone on every highway in range of the station is going to be looking for the car involved, as well as "silver" alerts, which is an elderly person that has wandered off, so that everyone can be on the lookout for them.
On 4 October there is going to be a national test of the different ways of contacting people in an emergency, down to the cell phone level.
FEMA and FCC Plan Nationwide Emergency Alert Test for Oct. 4, 2023
Normally the more local tests are done on a monthly basis (and are really irritating if done during a show that l like).
For situational awareness purposes though. Every-ones needs and wants are probably a little different. During a power outage, I would like to know if gas stations two towns over have gas or not, and if there grocery stores are open. Regular FM/AM news stations aren't helpful with that info. With a larger, more regional problem (like the Quebec power outage that took out power to the northeast US for awhile
or this one, that I got watch as a kid (from NJ).
or more recently
Either living through these kind s of things, or just reading about them, you can get the idea of why people want information about loved ones andgenerally what is happening. Personally , I want to know my families plans and if they want to come to my house (or vice-versa), and when the people in elevators or on trains are back to safety...