Completely Banned for the Greater Good
After several phone calls and emails to RS corporate about my rusting mag mount scanner antenna, I finally got action. I got a call from the SAME woman I talked to originally at the store I bought it from. The SAME woman who told me that I had to call corporate because it was beyond the 30 day return window. I guess telling corporate that I would never set foot in a RS store was enough to get a response. They must have told her to go ahead and replace the antenna. I will go over on my lunch tomorrow to get it.
But, really...should one have to go through all of that just to get a company to right a wrong? The bottom line is this. A 6 month old antenna should not be rusting and you should stand behind your product...not just feed customers the line about a 90 day manufacturer's warranty. It's a small victory, but I still think RS is a sinking ship as someone else so eloquently put it.
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Your happiness is going to be short-lived. There is a design flaw with that antenna. They stupidly decided to use high-carbon steel setscrews to hold the elements together. As you may know, anything made of HC steel rusts almost immediately after contacting water. When I had one of these my friend replaced them with stainless steel hardware, problem solved.