What made Radio Shack great was, well, radios. Once the general public stopped caring about such things (after cell phones replaced many people's need for a ham / cb radio, after many agencies went digital making police scanners too expensive and complicated), they were doomed. They tried to switch to being "Cell Phone Shack", but why would I go there when my carrier has a dozen of their own stores all over my city? Why involve a middle man in the equation? I never understood that, really.
The death knell for RS was when Frys electronics came to Phoenix about 15 years ago. All of the sudden you could get everything RS ever sold and more, and for less money than RS would have sold it for. I have been continuously amazed that they survived in Phoenix beyond that point. There is almost no purpose for their existence. The ONLY reason that I have gone to a RS in the last few years is that I have one a block away (pure convenience - Fry's is a few miles), but sometimes that ended up being a mistake. Recently in a rush I stopped there for electrical tape, short on time. They didn't know what it was, so I had to help them find it. There was ONE very old roll left, dog-eared and packaging yellowed. It looked well over ten years old. I bought it, and realized what a mistake that was when I got home to use it. It was old, crusty, and had very little adhesion left. Another time a friend told me that they had antenna tripods in a stack in the back, under some old things in storage (they had let him poke through the back room). I went there to get a few (there were none available locally and I needed them ASAP). When I described them I got puzzled looks, and head scratching. They searched for about ten minutes, before discovering them under a pile of trash, set to be hauled out. They were so old and the labels so faded and yellowed, I am going to say they were 15-20 years old. I happily bought two, but it struck me how much times have changed. When leaving they asked me "what does someone use one of those for"? I said to mount a rooftop antenna and I was asked "what is that"? I explained and one guy said "oh yeah, I have seen those on a few old homes in the city and wondered what they were for".
I feel like a total relic.