Flowood PD is always encrypted. I have have had access to a subscriber radio. They are using AES 256 encryption, just like every other radio using encryption on MSWIN. I live in Rankin County and regularly submit updates for Rankin Madison and Hinds County on which talk groups are encrypted. I have also corrected and updated wrong TG’s and updated new TG’s. Brandon PD is not using any encryption to my knowledge except on some of their TAC channels (dispatch is clear). I use an APX900 with non-affiliate scan. Works just as good as the Unication G4 and subscriber radios and works perfect on the Rankin county simculcast. (no simulcast distortion doesn’t miss a beat) Also, these talk groups are strapped for AES encryption (shows AES logo on subscriber radio). The end user is not turning on and off the encryption. All the TG’s using encryption on the MSWIN for these 3 counties is strapped.