Error is sitting steady at 0, the noise count is all over the place from 4 digits sometimes hitting a 5th digit but that 5th digit is very rare and is hit and miss about as quick as you blink
A more appropriate name for Noise would be the amount of non-silence audio. If you listen to a digital system there will always be a datasignal transmitted that it then shows as a huge noise value, so it can only be used with analog systems and when a repeater transmitter are sending a silent carrier for a few seconds when someone have stopped talking. So a very limited use for Noise and you should switch that to instead show D-Error, the amount of data errors from a received digital system.
RSSI are not a reliable value to be used in SDS scanners, as it otherwise are for other scanners. It senses the signal strength in a totally different way including interference from adjacent channels. In many cases you should aim the get the most negative value, the weakest signal, as that will be the least amount of interference. But then these SDS scanners also could reduce its receive gain by an automatic system built into it that lower the gain if it sees a too strong signal from its antenna and the signal strength goes down. So could be a bit difficult to know what the problem are and what to do about it.
One thing to try are to select a different filter type for the site. If you are using the detailed display it will show what frequency you are receiving and if you have issues with a voice frequency then look at what frequency are affected, that could also be the control channel, and do Channel+enter the frequency+Channel and then toggle the IFX function by Function+7. Then continue scan again and see if that helped and also try the different filter settings again after that as they will give different reactions if IFX are on or off.