Question is....has anyone heard any RENIR voice activity in West
Quebec, not just the chugging sound of control channels?
I tried decoding RENIR and Gatineau P25 systems with UniTrunker,
including using UniScope, but no success. In order to figure out the settings
for PRO-96/2096, some channel numbers are required. Maybe it's time
I went back to try again, perhaps with newer UniTrunker version.
Hi Dave, first answer is no, there is no activity on the Renir in Outaouais other than the CC and a few times a year some crypted com. Major activity is not planned for a year or so.
Second, for monitoring a P25 system with a GRE or RS scanner with a data port there is nothing simpler and better than Pro96Com at
Pro96Com - Control channel decoder for P25 Trunked Radio Systems
Definitifely your best tool. Simple to configure, I'm using it since 9 months and it's pretty incredible what this software does, it's free give it a try.
You get all the channels, control, alternate, voice, data etc. All the live data from coms, all the TG's used, all the radios ID and a good info is all the neighboring sites with there site number and CC frequencies ... and so much more, it's like being the owner of the control channel !!
Best of all, you can save all of this in a .txt file.
Thanks and let me know if you try it. If you do, and you gather some info on the Gatineau, Hydro or Renir, please send it to me so I can add the info in the Quebec DB.