Request for a DB-driven report/list/log of all system/page name-changes

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Monitoring since 1982, using radios since 1991.
Premium Subscriber
Dec 18, 2002
Indianapolis, IN

Link the Wiki page to the Unique System ID number. Even though an System may get renamed, the actual ID Number of that System never changes in our DB. So Your Lost County might get renamed to Not So Lost County but it is still the same entity and would still have the same Unique System ID. Only if all the data is deleted would that USI then be linking to nowhere. Same for TRS, every TRS has an Unique System ID in the DB. Workable yes? No? Maybe?


Feb 8, 2012
Link the Wiki page to the Unique System ID number. Even though an System may get renamed, the actual ID Number of that System never changes in our DB. So Your Lost County might get renamed to Not So Lost County but it is still the same entity and would still have the same Unique System ID. Only if all the data is deleted would that USI then be linking to nowhere. Same for TRS, every TRS has an Unique System ID in the DB. Workable yes? No? Maybe?

If I am understanding correctly what you describe, it sounds like you are suggesting to link the Wiki page to the DB by using a URL in the Wiki which points to the DB using the "sid" or "aid" or "ctid" values. This is the method that is used now, and is the only method available to link from the Wiki to the DB, as far as I know, because the Wiki is external to the DB and must use a standard HTML URL to link to the DB.

If this is the method you are describing, please note Post #11 and Post #17 earlier in this thread, which describes the Railroad page that became disconnected from the Wiki, because the DBA who was updating the DB, actually created a new DB-page (for the same Railroad) with a new sid/aid value, so that the DBA could temporarily preserve the older-format DB-page, and then later drop/delete the old page after all updates on the new DB-page had been completed/verified and appropriately discussed in the forums. In this case, the end-result is/was that the sid/aid value changed, as well as the DB-page's name, even though the DB-page content is the same, just reformatted for better/different presentation-style.

Edit: As mentioned in earlier posts, there are also other situations that result in DB-data being moved to DB-pages that have new/different sid/aid values, like when airport-pages are separated, moved, or combined in the DB. In this and similar situations, the DB-data does not necessarily change, just the DB-page which contains the data. This results in a change in the sid/aid/ctid value which the Wiki must use in the URL that points/links to the DB.(/edit)

For a specific entity/system in the DB, changes in the sid/aid values might be "infrequent", but they do change.

Edit2: If I understand correctly, your suggestion seems to relate only to the Wiki-to-DB disconnection, but not to the DB-to-Wiki disconnection, which happens anytime a DB-page is renamed, because, as mentioned in the earlier posts, the URL that is associated with the DB-page's "Wiki" button changes whenever the DB-page's name is changed. This also creates a change in the corresponding Wiki-page's name, which breaks Wiki-links between Wiki-pages, which must be found and updated manually.(/edit2)

If I misunderstood your suggestion, please clarify.

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Feb 8, 2012
Good morning,
  • Another example of how the requested report would be useful...

    Because approximately half of the 22 ARTCC centers' DB pages have been renamed and thus disconnected from their associated Wiki pages, almost 200 Wiki updates had to be made to reconnect the DB and Wiki, for only that half of the ARTCC pages.

    In anticipation of the other half of the ARTCC DB pages being renamed, temporary-redirects have been created in the Wiki to help prevent DB-Wiki disconnection, but the associated pages still will need to be updated when/if the remaining ARTCC DB pages are renamed. The requested report would help make this a much more manageable process, instead of relying on accidental discovery.

    Thanks for any and all efforts currently in progress to create the requested report. If the solution has been sidelined or delayed in favor of other higher priority issues, please consider reviving/escalating it and solving it soon. The report would be used very regularly, very likely every day.

  • Another stop-gap solution (while the above report is being developed) might be to start a sticky-thread in the DB forum, where every DBA who renames a DB page would simply post the URL of the DB page. This manual method would be an abysmal solution for tracking the changes, but such a thread would allow notification-alerts for those who try to maintain the Wiki, and would help resolve DB-Wiki disconnections in a quicker, more deliberate manner than accidental-discovery.

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Feb 8, 2012
Good morning,

Just checking on the status of this request. DB-Wiki disconnections still happen when a DB page is renamed, and are not discovered (sometimes for months) until someone browsing the Wiki stumbles over it, or goes looking for it intentionally.

The requested report would be very useful, and I believe very used.

Thank you for your efforts and consideration,

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