if im reading that right..... other sites? PFFFT! PUHLEASE!!! another NIMBY debate huh? or should i say NOMPG?
its not like FM Towers broadcast up to 150Kw on a daily basis in much BROADER forms of signal dispersion.
or just touching a AM tower can RF burn the mess out of you.
RRR im wondering.... do you have ANY idea how much EMR bathes us humans EVERY millisecond of our lives?
every 1/1/1/24/7/365 <-- yes i did that purposefully
every second, every minute, every hour, every day of a year.... endless bombardment of EMR. but how many people do you see..... even infants new born! the moment they leave the Infirmary, BATHED in EMR Emissions from the outside world..... die from EMR ?
our own Sun bombards us with EMR...... but artificial EMR.... unless you do stupid stuff with radio towers and RF Emitters..... think about it. like i said above, a cell phone tower 90' from a play ground is NOT going to be emitting directly downwards onto that playground on the children.
how many churches do you see with Cell Towers on their property? i can count about 25-30 of them around ATL right now, just from memory.
you do know, people PAY to put towers in critical places for usage of the property... and a good sum of change too. the tower owner is responsible for giving emergency numbers and contacts to those responsible for the property, but aside from that, its the property owner to be responsible enough to guard the tower to their best abilities. teaching children at young ages, DO NOT MESS WITH THIS. if something by act of god happens, step up! report it.
so yeah, a 100foot high cell tower is NOT going to put fatal levels of EMR downwards right into a playground 90 feet away...... more chances of a car plowing into that playground ( god forbid ) than the tower irradiating them.
i see now, despite your claims you have nothing against towers, you just don't want to hear it. i have no problem with that, but don't spew more BS when it has already been well established that 80% of the people who oppose towers have less than 5% knowledge if even that number, of how towers work, disperse their signals and provide things for services you may very well one day depend on your life to have available.
Side Note: i still would like to know who the stopthetower idiot is, if anyone knows....... LOL!