5B2_BEE00 Czar
Again, for the comprehension impaired, my qualifications were never an issue.
Never said they were. But since you like to challenge and call out others,
figure I'd ask you to put up. Since you failed to produce, I did the work for you.
You claimed to be an expert when you said a site that actually was one of several, just "had to be there" or folks'es houses would burn down and other such nonsense.
Nope, never said I was an expert. Point to the exact thread where I said I was an expert. You must be blind from all those railroad flashers, because I actually deferred to the true experts who actually do run radio shops and not one man shows with outdated websites and MSN email addresses. And they backed up what I said. still want to attack me for some reason. You are really starting to sound like that guy.
No hiding here, I stand by what I said, my qualifications are YOUR issue, not germaine to the topic at hand. I don't answer to your demands.
They are relevant when you call out someone by name and then publicly demand THEY put up. I did just that. But when you are held to the same standard you raise, you take exception. You sir, are a classic hypocrite.
YOU are the one who DEMANDED I qualify my statements. YOU are the one who keeps falsely claiming that I am an expert in the industry (thanks for the complement though). I NEVER SAID I WAS.
I merely called you on your B.S. behind your anonymous keyboard and put you on front street like you did me.
And at least my pic is hi res. Do yourself a favor and hire a webmaster. With all the "success" you proclaim, you should at least have some hi-res pics of your shop, and a domain name email address.
I bet you get all the women, eh? :wink: [
Thanks, but I am totally taken and not interested in your advances. Maybe that guy who seems to come in here is though. You two have much in common.